Slight anger issues?

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The giant living room on the ground floor is filled with Marco's siblings, each taking in a chair, one of the armchairs or the couch. Not too long ago they had a meeting, getting updated on the status and whatever change of plans. So far they haven't heard anything from Teach or his pack, but they remain on high alert. Last time it only took a few days before they attacked again, so they aren't that surprised if they fall into the same pattern once more.

Now that they claimed the living room to their own, matters such as the entire Teach ordeal aren't to be discussed here. It's a public space after all and it wouldn't do good if other pack members would overhear those things. And much to Marco's chagrin, his brothers switched the topic to [y/n] almost immediately after they took a seat.

[y/n], something he feels really conflicted about. On one hand, he loves to have her close by and be able to properly protect her and thus keep her safe. But on the other, he dreads the moment when he needs to tell her to stay here for a longer period of time. It's for her own safety, but the previous experiences made it very clear that she doesn't want anything to do with him or the rest of the pack.

"How's our little fighter holding up?" Ace asks intrigued. Ever since that night where she kicked Teach between his crown jewels Ace gave her the nickname. He dubbed her; the small girl who brought the big man to his knees with a single kick. Which is a poor dub but nobody felt the need to correct him.

"She seems to be understanding of the situation. However, she's all but enjoying it." Izo responds absentmindedly as he's filing his nails.

He has been with her for the past days as no one was allowed to even come close to the guest wing. And every single time the man had been with her, Marco had to withdraw himself for a moment. Even though her scent is weak, the sweet underlying sensation to her scent were overwhelming for him. When he would catch only a mere whiff, it was enough to send him into a spiral of bad thoughts. If he didn't take a moment to calm himself down, he would have run down that door to get to her. But that isn't something he wants to happen, so resisting the urge was all he could do.

"How's she going to react when we tell her to stay here?" Vista asks, the man sitting in a lone armchair and twirls his moustache between his fingers.

"Dunno actually." Izo turns to the mustached man, "I'm not the one to deliver that note."

Every soul in the room turns to Marco in that moment, inquisitive eyes watching him with a thousand silent questions swirling inside them.

You're telling her?
How will she react?
Can you handle it alone bro?
How are you going to tell her?

What will you do if she rejects you?

Even though they haven't asked that specific question, it's obvious by the worried look in their eyes. Rejection, that has been the talk of the town for past days. Ever since Marco found out she was his mate, and just how defensive she was, everyone discussed it. The question if she would eventually accept Marco is a frequent discussed part. Some believed that with her dismissive behavior towards Marco she's going to reject him, while others believe she's afraid and will come to her senses soon enough.

Marco is none the wiser on the entire subject. The only thing he can do is keep hoping that [y/n] is just afraid of the changes and that it's the reason she keeps pushing him away. He doesn't want to think about how much it would hurt if he were to get rejected by her.

He had waited for years now, as a young rambunctious teenager a mate was the last thing on his mind, more interested in in other things back then. However, by the time he reached adulthood, with friends and family around him finding their mates, he began to feel lonely.

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