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"This was for Wilbur's birthday, we can't remove that." Tubbo said, looking at the collection of little signs in front of him. Y/N had given up trying to hide from people. Quackity had seen the hickeys on her neck, and he was unable to shut up, of course. So there was no point in trying to stay away from everyone else.

The only thing she could do at this point was to just get it over with. Let people talk and hope they'd forget about it soon. But it still hurt to hear what they had to say. That she was just after power - first Wilbur, now Schlatt. That she had betrayed them all. That she had betrayed Wilbur. And it was true, she had betrayed Wilbur and she felt terrible about it, but it wasn't like she had much of a choice!

"This was for his birthday, Schlatt, we can't do this!" Quackity agreed with Tubbo and nodded quickly. It seemed like Quackity was a lot softer ever since he had realized that he and Schlatt had won the election. Schlatt was still continuing a hard line against everyone in L'Manberg, though.

"Look me right in my eyes, Tubbo." he said with a grin on his face. Tubbo looked like he regretted every decision he has made in his entire life, as he turned around to face Schlatt. Y/N didn't even want to hear it.

"Yeah?" Tubbo asked shyly.

"Ask me if I care."

"Do you care?"

"No." Schlatt said with a grin. Y/N had to chuckle under her breath quietly. She had to admit that Schlatt could be quite funny at times. And he seemed to be a little more relaxed when he wasn't giving a speech or being an evil dictator otherwise. After all, he was just a person, as well, wasn't he?

"Come on, don't do it, Tubbo, don't do it." Quackity begged him. He seemed really uncomfortable with the idea of taking down the birthday signs. And Y/N thought it was unnecessary, too, but they really had some far worse problems at the moment. They could put signs up again any other birthday. She was sure that out of all the things they were doing, Wilbur would understand that.

"Either you'll take it down or I'll find someone to do it." Schlatt replied with a raised eyebrow. Tubbo looked back at the signs and then at Quackity. He seemed really torn on what to do. Y/N wasn't going to get in the way of this. She had good reasons not to make Schlatt angry, after all she had to live with him now.

"I'm not gonna let you do it, Tubbo, I'm not gonna let you do it. I'll take the fall!" Quackity said and frantically started taking down the signs himself.

"He's doing it, Sir, look!"

"Good, means I don't have to banish you, too." Schlatt grumbled and turned around to look at the remains of the wall that still had to be taken down. Y/N sighed and went over to help Quackity. If he was going to take the fall, she could at least make it easier on him. After all, she was already branded as a traitor, so this wouldn't make much of a difference. She was a lost cause.

"Here, let me do this." she said to Quackity and took down two more signs. Tubbo gave her an unsure look, as if he didn't really know whose side she was on anymore. Y/N didn't know that herself.

"What are you doing?" Tubbo whispered to her, as Quackity ran off to talk to Schlatt again. Y/N sighed.

"I'm doing what's necessary to survive this. And to stay in L'Manberg, so we can be useful." she replied.

"So... are you still on my side? A-and... And Wilbur's side?" he wanted to know, his eyes wandering to the hickeys. Y/N self-consciously raised her hand to cover them with it, almost out of reflex.

"Of course I'm still on your side and Wilbur's side and Tommy's side, this... this was... a necessity. If you want to keep your distance from me, because you don't trust me anymore that's fine, just... please, Tubbo, make sure that Wilbur and Tommy are okay when you see them, yes?" she replied, tears stinging in the corners of her eyes. Tubbo nodded slowly, giving her an insecure smile.

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