Epilogue 2.0

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The sun was shining in my face as I looked up from what I was doing. It was a nice day outside - still cold of course, but at least a little more bearable than usual. It made working in the fields much more enjoyable when the sun was out. I wouldn't really have thought that I'd be enjoying this kind of life so much, but here I was having the time of my life. Well, maybe not the time of my life.

But it was sure a million times better than before. I didn't need to be afraid of anyone coming to kill me here, because if they did... well, Technoblade was living in the house right next to me. There was no way I would ever get killed. Plus, we were both just living way too far from anyone else. They would never come up here for some petty revenge or whatever. It was a pretty safe place.

And working in the fields all day honestly was so distracting for me, I didn't even think a lot about everything that happened anymore. Sure, there were times when I missed L'Manberg. There were times when I missed Wilbur. There were even times when I missed Schlatt, although I really shouldn't. But most of the time I could focus on what I was doing and I felt like I was slowly, but surely feeling much better in general.

While I had trouble sleeping back in L'Manberg, I was way too worn out after a whole day of farming right now. It was honestly doing me good to be out here. I was glad I went with Technoblade and didn't stay around the area. I thought that I might get a little lonely, but I honestly didn't. There was always Techno to talk to and he was honestly a very interesting person to have a conversation with.

And sometimes his dad, Philza, came to visit as well and Philza honestly was one of the nicest people I had ever met. He'd stay over for a day or two at times and then I'd usually go over to have dinner with the two of them in the evening, as well. I never thought that being away from everything could be so relaxing.

I got up and stretched. My back had kind of started hurting from being bent down for such a long time. I took off my straw hat and blinked against the sun, scratching my hair and putting the hat back on my head.

"You know, it's not good for you to stare into the sun with your bare eyes." I heard a voice from the other end of the field. I looked down and grinned when I saw who it was that had come to visit.

"Philza! You're back early!" I exclaimed. I got out of the field and quickly jogged up to him, greeting him with a hug.

"Yeah, I kinda missed the farm and all. And I gotta make sure my son's okay." he said with a grin.

"Of course, of course. I think Techno is out at the moment. Do you wanna come over to my house until he's back? I just made some pumpkin pie, actually, if you want some?" I said to him.

"Sure, that sounds great. Thanks." he said. I laughed, honestly happy to see Philza again. Plus, the great thing about pretty much living in an anarchist community with Techno was that I could start and stop work whenever I felt like it. There were no rules, technically. So if I had to take care of something else in between, I could just not work. Which didn't mean I never had to do anything, because... well, I needed to survive. But it was so much more balanced than getting up at 7 in the morning and having to stay in an office until 5 in the afternoon.

"So, you still don't want to hear any news from L'Manberg?" Philza asked me, as we were on our way back to my house. I shook my head happily.

"No, I think I'm good. Techno always drops some hints anyway, but from what I'm hearing I'd only start worrying if I got any news. So I prefer to stay ignorant." I said with a laugh. Philza nodded.

"Alright then. Let's see that pumpkin pie then, because I'm actually pretty hungry."

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