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Y/N was pretty sure that she wasn't expected in the office this morning, so she just stayed in bed. She didn't feel like getting up at all anymore lately. Every day was just work and then back to Schlatt's place and... she couldn't do it anymore. She had seen Schlatt kill one of her best friends right in front of her eyes and she was still here and took care of Schlatt 50% of the time when he was too drunk.

It was sad, if she thought about it, so she tried not to think about it too much. But some days she just couldn't stop herself and then she was lying in bed, awake for ages, unable to move and barely able to breathe as her thoughts kept racing through her head. It was probably not healthy to live like that, but what could she realistically do against it? There was nothing she could do.

At least Schlatt wasn't as angry anymore - at the moment at least. He had calmed down a lot around a week after the festival and had been agreeable ever since. Well, more agreeable than after he had executed Tubbo. Y/N still couldn't believe that he had engraved 'Traitor' on his tombstone.

She had gone and put flowers there, trying to cover it up as well as she could, but it never lasted long. She really didn't know what to do anymore. She didn't get any news from Tommy or Wilbur anymore and she had no idea what was going on. When she still heard from them, she had some kind of hope that they would come and kill Schlatt or at least get him out of power again.

But without Tubbo she had no way of talking to them. She had been wondering whose side Fundy was really on lately, but she was too terrified to ask. If he was on Schlatt's side he would easily tell him about her asking and that would be the same as her signing her own death warrant.

Y/N had no idea how long she had been lying there without moving, just staring at the ceiling, but she heard a knock on her door. She wondered who it would be. Maybe Schlatt telling her to get to the office right now or else. Although that hadn't happened lately, so who knew...

"Coming!" she yelled and crawled out of the bed, grabbing a bathrobe and putting it on, before opening the door. It wasn't Schlatt that was standing in front of her door, but Quackity. And he didn't look happy at all, he looked like something was really, really upsetting him.

"Big Q?" she asked.

"Get dressed, quickly, we're going for a walk right now." he told her. Y/N didn't even think about asking him any questions. This seemed serious, so she just nodded and closed the door to get ready quickly.

Once she was ready, she came back outside and locked the door behind herself, following Quackity without a word. They were walking silently for quite a while and Y/N wasn't sure when the right time to ask questions was. After a while she just knew she couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence.

"So what's this about? What's got you so upset?" Y/N asked, as she tried to keep up with Quackity who was walking fast. He was making his way towards her old house quickly, probably pretending that they were on the way to her place, so she could check on everything.

But she knew exactly that's not what it was. Quackity had a plan and it was so obvious, she had no idea why he was even trying to have an alibi, because everyone that saw him would know that he was up to something. Y/N just wondered what it was and in exactly how much trouble it would get her.

She could imagine that it might be a lot, but... well, it wasn't exactly like she could do much about it. Because that was just the way it was lately, wasn't it? Other people did a bunch of stupid shit that would definitely have an impact on her and she was the one suffering for it. Every single time.

"I'm leaving Manberg." Quackity told her, after he had been quiet for a while. Y/N just nodded.

"Sure. When?" she wanted to know. Quackity always said that he was leaving, but he never actually meant it. Surely this time wouldn't be any different, right? He always said he'd leave when he was upset with Schlatt.

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