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Warnings: violence and abuse

Y/N wasn't even sure what exactly was happening. She just saw Tubbo's body slump down lifelessly and she heard screams from the crowd and she wasn't sure whether she had actually screamed in shock herself or not, because everything seemed far away at that moment.

Tubbo was dead. Tubbo was actually dead and it was Schlatt who had killed him. Sure, technically it was Technoblade, but it wasn't his fault that this had happened. He barely had a choice in that situation. And Y/N still wasn't sure which side he was on. There were more loud noises and shouting, but Y/N didn't realize what was going on. She didn't snap out of it until Quackity was shaking her.

"Come on, Y/N, we need to get away from here!" he yelled at her. Y/N looked up at him, because she had no idea what he was trying to tell her and why it was so important they get away.

She only realized that he was serious when she saw a crossbow bolt zap past her, way too close for comfort. This wasn't good. Whatever was happening, she did have to leave, Quackity was right. That was if she wanted to survive this. She wasn't really sure about that, but Quackity seemed to want her to survive, so she let herself be pulled up by him and followed him blindly inside the office building. He propped her up against a wall and barricaded the door.

Y/N still wasn't sure what was going on, all she could think about was that they had to get Tubbo's body, so they could bury him properly and nothing would happen to him while... while whatever was going on out there was going on. Y/N still wasn't sure what was happening.

She looked around her and saw Schlatt pacing up and down the hallway, looking angry for some reason. Why the fuck was he angry? He had no right to be angry about anything - not after he had just publicly executed Tubbo! On a stage, in front of all of Manberg! Y/N had reason to be angry, and she was angry. She was really, really angry at Schlatt right now. And she definitely wasn't thinking clearly.

She got up from leaning against the wall. Her legs still felt wobbly, but she didn't care right now. She walked up to Schlatt who was still pacing up and down, ignoring her with ease. Too much ease. How could he fucking ignore her after what he had done? He had killed Tubbo in front of her eyes! Tubbo was her friend, Tubbo was... Tubbo was all she had left. Tubbo was her link to Wilbur. And all of that was gone... it was all gone just like that. She couldn't believe that Schlatt was ignoring her after that.

"What the fuck, Schlatt?" Y/N growled, as she grabbed his suit jacket to make him stop and look at her. His eyes were still angry and he definitely wasn't happy about this at all. But Y/N didn't care right now.

"What the fuck did you just do?! What is your problem?" she yelled at him. Schlatt just gave her a scoff.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We have bigger problems right now." he replied. She shook her head, as she felt tears running down her face. She wasn't sure if she was crying because she was sad about Tubbo or because she was so angry with Schlatt. Probably both.

"Y/N, stop-" Quackity said, trying to calm her down, but she wasn't going to listen to him. He had stood there and done nothing while Schlatt had Tubbo executed! She couldn't care less about what happened to Quackity right now.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?! Maybe I need to clear it up for you! I'm talking about you executing Tubbo! What the fuck?! There was no fucking need for that! Why... why would you do that? Tubbo has done so much for you, why would you execute him like that?" she asked, her voice breaking up more and more towards the end. Schlatt just gave her a cold look.

"He was a traitor, Y/N. Now stop being ridiculous and fucking let go of me, or I swear you'll regret it..." he growled.

"No! No, I won't stop being ridiculous! I'm not ridiculous! You're the one that's ridiculous! You're just so fucking paranoid, it's crazy. You're crazy! You're a fucking tyrant, Schlatt!" she shouted. She wanted to continue, but she felt a strong and big hand around her throat, holding her against the wall and giving her just about enough air to not lose consciousness. She looked around herself, but all she saw was Quackity looking pale and shocked and Schlatt looking furious.

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