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They had arrived early on the 16th. It was honestly scary, hearing all the noise outside while she was alone in her room trying to figure out if it was safe to come out and where the hell Schlatt was. Y/N wanted to go looking for him, but there were explosions all over the place and she wasn't sure if she'd survive if she stepped outside. But she did have to go looking for Schlatt, didn't she?

There were phases when it was more quiet and she was almost ready to leave and go out, but... well, it never lasted too long. She eyed up the armor that was on the armor stand in the corner of the room. Maybe that was her only choice. It would definitely fit her, but she wasn't sure...

Damn it. She had to find him. She had to go and make sure that he was okay, because after all she didn't have a single clue as to where he was right now. There was a war going on out there and she had no fucking idea where the hell the president was. And that wasn't a good thing.

With a sigh she got up and started putting on the armor. It was heavier than she had expected, but it wasn't unbearably heavy. It would definitely do. It was a bit difficult to see through the helmet, but she'd have to manage somehow. With a sigh she grabbed a few of her belongings, in case she didn't get a chance to come back here again and went outside to look for Schlatt.

She could see a group of people in netherite armor huddling around the entrance of the camarvan. She couldn't really make out any faces, but it looked like someone was waving to her. Was that... was that Quackity? Well, there was only one way to find out. She made her way over there as quickly as she could while wearing the heavy armour, hoping she wasn't running to her death.

"Y/N!" she heard Quackity's voice as she got closer. A few heads turned to her and there were some whispers. Y/N knew what they were probably thinking and she was glad that no one tried to attack her on sight at least.

"Quackity! Have you... have you seen him?" she wanted to know, taking off the helmet as soon as she saw that there was no one blindly firing at stuff. At least not for the moment. She saw Quackity doing a double take of a few bruises on her neck, but he didn't say anything.

"Yeah, he's in there." Quackity told her. Y/N sighed with relief. Thank God, he was there. She just hoped that he wasn't dead yet.

"Oh thank God. Can I go and see him?" she asked.

"Sure, just... it's bad. He's... he's really drunk." Quackity answered. Y/N smiled a little. Of course he was.

"I've seen him drunk before. I'll go see him..." she said and quickly made her way through the small group of people until she was in the Camarvan. She was aware of the odd looks she was getting from everyone around her but she couldn't be bothered right now. She needed to know that Schlatt was alive.

"Why are you in my drug van? What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs!" she heard Wilbur say. Wilbur was here? Of course he would be, but... Y/N hadn't thought she'd actually ever see him again. She looked at Schlatt. His eyes were glazed over and he was supporting himself on one of the countertops. He really was drunk beyond belief, more than usual.

"Are you... Are you drinking?" Wilbur asked him in disbelief.

"Are you actually drinking?" Tommy repeated the question which made Schlatt look up at them.

"This cretin..." he muttered and laughed, which made everyone around break out in laughter, as they started talking to each other. Y/N felt a pang in her heart. Sure, Schlatt had put her through a lot all this time, but... well, there was no but. She still didn't think he deserved to be here like that.

Schlatt was muttering something under his breath and Y/N finally managed to get out of her shock and make her way over to him. He didn't even realize that she was there, but it didn't matter. The smell of alcohol was almost nauseating. She saw Wilbur looking at her, before walking over, sword in hand, looking at the rest of the group. Y/N gave him a shocked look. Was he going to kill Schlatt?

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