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Quackity was pacing up and down in the office. Y/N wasn't sure what he was trying to tell her, but he seemed nervous about it whatever it was. Why he had decided to talk to her out of all people was also not clear to her, but it was what it was. And neither of them really knew where the hell Schlatt was.

He was in a bad mood in the morning already, and no one really knew why. He had been talking a whole lot about everyone betraying him and trying to kill him and while Y/N knew that he didn't have anything on her, she was still nervous about him behaving so erratically. Something about him was off lately and Y/N wasn't really sure what to make of it. And now Quackity was being weird, too.

"Y/N, I don't think he respects me." he finally said after he had been pacing up and down for about five minutes. Y/N raised her eyebrows. That was it? Quackity had realized that Schlatt didn't respect him?

"Yeah, and? Quackity, Schlatt doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything. He doesn't respect anyone, why did you think you were any different?" she replied. Quackity looked at her and shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I don't know. I mean, after all I'm vice president, right? I... He should be respecting me and my opinions, right? This... this coalition... I mean, we're working together here, aren't we?" Quackity asked. Y/N looked up from her paperwork again. He seemed really distraught about that.

"When you were suggesting that coalition with Schlatt, were you... were you really expecting that he'd respect you and listen to your opinions? Because... I mean... maybe he seemed more like that back then, but right now... even if he told me all of that, no way would I believe him."

"I mean, yeah, that... that was kind of my idea. It was my votes that brought him into power after all! I don't see why he can disrespect me like that." Quackity said, clearly disturbed by the whole situation.

"Q, you made the entire deal. You made the deal to give your votes to Schlatt, no matter what happened. So that means he had all those votes. And not you. That's the deal you made. I know it's unfair and I know you had more votes, but... well, you just made a bad deal there."

"I know. I know. But don't you think I could leverage the fact that I had more votes than him in this situation?" Quackity wanted to know. Y/N looked around nervously. What the hell was he saying in the middle of the office? This was literally treason he was talking about and if Schlatt found out... Well, Y/N didn't want to think about it. It definitely wouldn't end up pretty at all.

"Are you insane? You can't just openly talk to anyone about shit like that!" she hissed at him. Quackity's eyes widened.

"But you... wait... you... you are on Wilbur's side, aren't you?" he wanted to know. Y/N sighed and buried her head in her hands. Was she on Wilbur's side? She didn't even know anymore.

"I don't... I don't even know anymore. Look, you know what I looked like when Wilbur came over for that visa. I think it's pretty fucking obvious we're not a thing anymore. And Schlatt did win this entire thing completely legally and legitimately, I... I don't know, Quackity. I don't know whose side I'm on anymore. I won't rat you out, though, if that's what you're worried about."

Quackity nodded, before starting to pace up and down again. He was clearly disturbed by the realization that he could have been playing the power card all along and how he didn't do it. And Y/N was disturbed by the fact that she didn't know whose side she was on anymore.

"Listen, Y/N, Schlatt is... he's..."

"Insane, I know. He's paranoid and he doesn't know what he's doing. Makes rash decisions. I know that, Quackity."

"Then why don't you know whose side you're on?"

"Because... look, obviously I'm on Wilbur's side here, but... I haven't seen him in so long. A lot has happened. And... no matter how much I still... how much I still love him... that whole thing is over. I can't run off and join their resistance, even if you helped me. They won't trust me anymore and I'd pretty much be signing my death sentence. All I can do is try to give them information somehow and try to stay here, stay with Schlatt, and somehow keep him under control." Y/N explained.

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