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Warnings: Abuse

Y/N stared down at the message she had gotten from Quackity. She hadn't seen him a lot lately, but he had sent some messages from time to time. But the message he sent this time wasn't long. It was very short and it was a very dangerous message to be carrying around, but here she was, staring at it with Schlatt only a few feet away. She had to hide it. She had to hide it right now.

Or even better - she had to burn it. She would definitely get killed if she was found with a message like that. This wasn't even high treason anymore, this was... this was whatever was worse than that. She crumbled up the sheet of paper and glanced at Schlatt who was busy with some paperwork. She could just walk over to the fireplace and throw it in, hoping he wouldn't see it.

But what if he noticed her? Damn it. She'd be killed. She'd be executed publicly just like Tubbo, it just wouldn't be as quick and painless as with him. She was clenching her fist tightly around the crumpled up paper. She also couldn't be caught with this thing in her hands.

She had to risk it. If he noticed her throwing it in the fire he might get suspicious and get angry with her and she might risk a beating, but he'd have no proof of her betraying him. In the end she'd be better off than if she was found with the intact piece of paper on her. She took a deep breath and eyed up the fireplace again. She could do this, right? It wouldn't take long...

She glanced back at Schlatt quickly who still seemed to be busy with whatever paperwork he was working on. It was now or never. She had to destroy this as soon as she could. Why the hell would Quackity even send her something like that on a simple piece of paper? She couldn't believe he'd do that, he knew what kind of trouble she could get in if this was found anywhere near her.

But then again she had been asking Quackity for updates on the situation and she was grateful that she knew. She was grateful for this message, too, because it meant she had something to look forward to. She finally had a date for when all of this might finally be over for her.

With a sudden burst of courage, Y/N stepped forward to the fireplace and quickly threw the piece of paper into the fire, watching it go up in flames almost instantly. She sighed with relief and turned around, just to find Schlatt looking at her suspiciously. He had noticed. Fuck, that was bad.

"What was that?" he asked. Y/N forced a smile on her face. If she just acted like it was nothing important, maybe he'd leave her alone.

"What was what?" she replied.

"I just saw you throw something in the fire. What was it?" he wanted to know, sounding impatient.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Schlatt. It was just some old paperwork." she answered. Schlatt frowned at her and swiftly got up from his desk. Of course. Of course he wouldn't leave her alone.

"I know for a fact that you know what we do with old paperwork. We archive it. So what the hell did you just throw into that fire?" he asked her again. Y/N said nothing, as he got closer to her, towering over her. She held his gaze, trying not to flinch when he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled on it lightly.

"Y/N... do I have to repeat myself?"

"I already told you, Schlatt."

"Old paperwork, huh? I know you're lying. Are you betraying me too, Y/N? Is that it? Are you a fucking traitor like all the others?"

"You know I wouldn't do that, Schlatt. I wouldn't betray you." she replied, feeling her hair being pulled more, as Schlatt leaned in close to her, his breath against her ear and the skin of her neck.

"I know you're lying to me, Y/N. Last chance." he growled lowly. Y/N could feel her knees getting weak from fear. Schlatt could go from beating her black and blue to taking care of her and holding her within seconds. And Y/N knew that now wasn't one of those times when he'd be nice to her.

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