The Hunter

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I couldn't think of anything worst than airport security. Probably because I was currently in it. They have to check everything you brought with you, maybe even search you if their computers beeped. All American airports had this increased security because of the hijackings the past year. No one wanted another terrorist threat slipping through the cracks.

I was one of the many men out here to do something about it. Derek Nam, I'm a CIA agent tasked with finding and stopping terrorist threats all over America, possibly before people get hurt. My current mission dealt with a man by the name of Charles Duboro. He was supposedly a high level target who worked with a group call the Cracked Wall, a terrorist organization trying to pin governments against one another. Rumor said they wanted to shatter what we knew as humanity, picking up the pieces when the dust settled. Hijacking planes was only one of their many operations, and it wasn't even to redirect at buildings. Instead, the planes would just disappear along with everyone on the flight.

I was informed that through extensive investigation, there was a man who helped the Cracked Wall create technology able to control a plane remotely by use of a smartphone. The consequences of such technology in the hands of one of the largest terrorist organization on the planet... well, it would be catastrophic. It was almost fascinating in a twisted way.

Mr. Duboro was supposed to be catching a flight out of the United States to Australia soon, the origin of the Cracked Wall. My job was to intercept him for questioning. Reveal his true identity. Try to discover what the Cracked Wall really wanted out of all their chaos. It was the usual interrogation, but hopefully it would get me one step closer. If all went as planned, we could both walk out of this alive.

I walked past security and towards gate D5. The airport was bustling per usual, but it wasn't as packed as it used to be. Many were afraid of being the next victim of the hijackings, so people found other means of transportation. Although, sometimes you had to take a plane with no better option available.

The risks we took.

I made my way over to the gate and sat down in a chair. The buttoned up beach shirt with blue jeans I've been able to wear recently made me feel more relaxed than I probably should be. I wanted to fit the tourist part, someone going to Australia for vacation. I had a simple suitcase of clothes and other necessities one would find themselves with. After twenty minutes on the dot, I spotted Charles sitting down, one row in front of me. I checked my watch, thirty minutes until the plane took off. Plenty of time.

Getting out of my chair and taking my suitcase with me, I strolled over to Charles. He wore ripped jeans with a long sleeve shirt. His black hair was made into a pony tail and he had on dark shades. Charles looked at his phone as I walked up to him. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but my suspicions increased by his attempt of shielding it from nearby wandering eyes.

"Sir," I said as Charles turned towards me, putting his phone down, "May I speak with you real quick."

"Who are you?" Charles asked curiously.

I showed him my CIA I.D., "Please sir, follow me."


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