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Some think I'm lazy, and I suppose they're right. I sit around most of the day, doing nothing productive with my life. But it isn't always that way. I sometimes move from the living room to my bedroom. A mighty move.

So I'm lazy, doesn't affect anyone else but myself. I don't see the problem. It isn't like I'm idle all day. I get up and about, eventually. Usually, I wait until my friend is ready to do something. Other times I do stuff on my own. But I do get up to be active. I'm like anyone else, I can't sit around all day, just most of the day.

The most fun I have is with my friend. He's always good at getting me up to do something exciting. Sometimes I'm annoyed by his persistence, but most of the time I'm eager to do something after having had my customary nap. He's great, the best kind of a friend out there. And I see him every day. Somehow we never get bored with each other.

Sometimes we go outside to throw a ball around. Get the exercise I believe I need in order to be healthy. I'm a fast runner so he'll throw the ball far and I almost always catch it. We go until we're both tired and ready to fall over.

Sometimes we stay inside instead and just run around the house, causing some mayhem. Or we just sit together and watch movies for hours. Occasionally he'll share the popcorn; he always hogs the popcorn. It can frustrate me, but eventually, he'll cave and give me some.

I'm always over for breakfast and dinner. I live very close by, so it's effortless to just walk over. Sometimes I'll steal some food from his plate. It's a friendly laugh, at least for me. Then I'll just lounge around his house for most of the day. We're such great friends that he doesn't have an issue with me staying there while he's out working.

He'll just say, "Be a good boy now, Spike." Then leave me to nap on the couch with a bone to chew on.

It's a nice setup we have. I don't think I'll ever want to leave this home. But ultimately the Alpha will give the orders. Coating my teeth in our blood then biting him will seal the deal. I know I can pull it off as an accident so he's not wary of me until the transformation begins. Then he'll become one of us, my best friend, my target. Just like how I turned. The Alpha will be pleased with this one I found, he's a suitable candidate.

Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying these short stories so far. I enjoy making them. See you in the next one!

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