Report: Earth

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For this message, I am using United States English. Run it through the Translator to determine if it successfully picks it up. Send a copy of this report back to Command in Turkish. If we can get this Translator to function as designed, it will spare us an extensive amount of time. T-4039 did an adjustment to the core module again, so it should work as designed.

Report: Earth. Date: 48th of [Untranslatable]. Cycle 7434 on the [Untranslatable] calendar. We've been on Earth for 504 planet rotations. I've been taking the appearance of many professions while collecting data on this world.

Mission Report. I have relocated to the edge boundary of region Chicago. Regrouped with S-659 in their refuge. From this position, I was able to link in with all the regional contacts. From their updates, we have determined the conditions are comparable to planet [Untranslatable]. The humans of this particular landmass show less ambition. However, brain activity is the same as the other territories we have examined. They do not keep their stronger intellectuals away from the weaker. Instead, everyone mingles together. There are observations of division amongst the humans, but the dealings are of frivolous issues.

The technology in this region matches that of the more well-developed regions we have observed. It's primitive. They still use fossil fuel as their dominant source, which is utilized in most of their transportation vehicles. Some efforts have been made to use electricity to power certain vehicles, even though they have been using moderately efficient electricity techniques for cycles. They only recently have figured out it can be used as a fuel source for their vehicles. There are still many potentials they have not yet discovered with electricity. It's curious that they have not figured out [Untranslatable] power. If they utilized electricity along with [Untranslatable] being treated with Series A chemicals, then apply heat, it creates [Untranslatable] power. Unfortunately, we haven't found any of that mineral in our scans here, so the humans won't be capable of learning the origin of this power while being trapped on this planet.

With that in place, they would have discovered how to achieve more efficient space flight. I will mention as an opinion it is pleasant to see the efforts taken for space flight. The last planet, [Untranslatable], had intelligent life far superior to humans, but never left their planet. They could have been a practical ally.

My contacts and I have also made a rather alarming discovery. It appears the humans have not identified a cure to common illnesses such as [Untranslatable] and cancer. In fact, S-659 stated they noticed someone coughing. They scanned the subject to identify the person was experiencing temperature fever. Even these basic illnesses have not yet been eradicated. I disguised as one of their medical staff to get a better understanding. Humanity looks to be particularly vulnerable to many diseases, ranging from basic to more detrimental ones. That is definitely a weakness to note. It also appears they haven't discovered the medicinal properties of mushrooms yet. We have found an abundance of them in our explorations, yet humans consider them insignificant.

They haven't discovered [Untranslatable], which would be an essential component in the cure for their sexually transmitted diseases. Melding that with [Untranslatable] could cure cancer and other illnesses present. I had Observation-4 take a scan of the ocean after some readings from S-950. Unexpectedly, there are [Untranslatable] found there. The humans appear to have not analyzed that deep in their own ocean. An [Untranslatable] inspection of a human showed that they have brittle bones. Further experimentation showed they are around 60% water. I don't expect they will explore the rich depths of their own ocean anytime soon. They would need [Untranslatable] material to survive the crushing depths, but without it they will never plan this exploration.

To that, I would like to recommend the extraction team to collect as much [Untranslatable] as they can from the ocean. Caution should be taken with respect to the creatures down there. Bring [Untranslatable] for protection. Humans seem to be ignorant of what lurks that deep in their ocean.

On another note, the food these humans eat is repulsive. Many foods are detrimental for their bodies to consume, and some don't provide any benefits at all. If they were to use their meat sources and infuse them with [Untranslatable], they would see a vast improvement in the overall health of every human being who consumes it. Furthering this thought, the [Untranslatable] paste we ingest has every vitamin and mineral our bodies require. If the humans were to reduce food to something comparable to our paste, it would assist in both productivity and health. Instead of focusing on quality or variety of food, they could improve efficiency by shorting mealtimes to a few seconds. With the bonus of the nutrients available in the paste, the humans would receive an increase in life expectancy by 40%.

It should be noted that humans operate with a significant lack of efficiency. The humans seem to value entertainment over work. If they were to remove entertainment and other similar hedonisms, their efficiency would increase considerably. After examining these humans for the preceding several cycles, it appears humans value individuality. While some regions vary in this term, humans would rather regulate their own lives how they see fit, rather than an authority figure operating it for them. Humans may one day eradicate diseases, increase their life expectancy, and even leave their own system. However, fixing this freedom mentality may be problematic.

As my last observation to report, the conflict between the humans is disappointing. Most of it is gratuitous. They seem to be a danger to themselves, and potentially a risk to the environment in the near future. They have already done no favors in maintaining the environmental health. A few aqueducts of Element 7 would get Earth back into shape, as if the humans were never here. If we erect several [Untranslatable] in each region, plant life would also flourish. We could prolong our food supplies easily. Additionally, there is plenty of water as which can easily be processed.

Overall, this planet has the resources we need. With a bit of time and effort, we could replenish the environment back to its original state. As for the humans, I conclude they won't be effective allies. They barely can govern themselves and their own people, I don't see how they would be useful for us. Their intelligence lacks anything new or noteworthy. Eliminating them would be the only option if we choose to utilize this planet's resources to the fullest. Otherwise, we can continue to disguise as them and select only a small portion. Elimination would include poisoning the water or food for a vigorous, swift end. However, that would alter the plant life exponentially. We are working to preserve the planet, while disposing of the threat, unlike war. Alternatively, we could use the [Untranslatable]. Airborne is a slower process, but it will save the planet from lasting consequences. Lastly, we could install [Untranslatable] sooner, and control them to modify the environment to be unlivable. It is viable to bring life back, but this process is even longer, and humans are known for their adaptability.

Run this report to Command to determine what the best opportunity is we should proceed with. I will remain with S-659 for the meantime to see if we can't gather any more information. Respond with any additional intelligence, or if our regional contacts have important updates.

I'll check back in 3 planet rotations for an update. For now, I will shut down my connections to Command. Any emergencies contact our base [Untranslatable] directly; I'll keep that on and pulsing out a quick burst. [Untranslatable] 90.

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[Tracing Incomplete: Location Discovered: Northeast Illinois]

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[Nightstalker Task Force Deployed]

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Thanks for reading! This one was a little different than the rest. Something that just came to me one day and I knew I had to write it down. I hope you enjoyed it! 

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