Earning Vacation

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Packing my bags wasn't something I relished. I think most people detested it. It's a time of frantic snatch and grabs around the house, trying to figure out what's necessary for the trip and what can be left behind. You don't want to forget anything important that you'll regret later because after you leave, the chances of you coming back are usually zero.

But there's an end game to packing. The ability to go somewhere wonderful or do something exciting, maybe with family or friends. Go bask in the sun at a beach, watching surfers fall into the rolling waves and children building sandcastles that collapse when wet. Or perhaps the cold environment suits better with skiing or snowboarding down slopes, only to find yourself sliding on your back halfway down. Then grabbing hot chocolate afterward. We all go through the stresses of packing so that we can have fun in the end.

And like them, I wanted a vacation. Not with anyone in particular or go anywhere special. I just wanted to get away for a while, relax and enjoy life a little, something I hadn't done in what felt like an eternity. My career wasn't stress-free, in fact, stressing was one of the weekly responsibilities. Being able to get away from it would make me feel a lot better overall.

Staring into the walk-in closet, I snatched several shirts and pants to my liking, opting to take a few extra socks just in case they were needed. The closet was something I appreciated, mostly because I never had one before. The extensive collection of clothes at my disposal meant I could really choose based on how I felt rather than whatever was available like I'm used to.

Before zipping up my duffle bag, I looked over at the dresser, eyeing the golden watch lying next to the jewelry box. I grabbed it, nearly forgetting all about it in my hunt for items I needed to take with me. Once zipped up and the bag swung around my shoulder, I went for the front door.

Outside in the winter weather, I closed the door and strolled down the sidewalk, heading towards town. There I would take a train out to another state for the next week. But first, I had one detour to make.

The wind stung my face, but the sound of a siren shot ice down my spine. Its proximity induced me to look ahead to see the police car speeding past, heading in the direction from where I came. I could only imagine where they were off to. Continuing onward, I kept my eyes down toward the ground, taking my traditional path into town.

To my relief, Ralph's Pawn Shop was still open at this time of night. I know Ralph personally, and normally he would be closed by now, so he must have gotten my message. Ambling into the store, it was only him and I there from what I could determine. Judging by his demeanor, he looked a little irritated by my tardiness, however; I didn't really care.

"Hit a good one today?" Ralph asked, blowing smoke in my face as I approached. Ralph placed the cigarette back in his mouth, awaiting my response. He loved feeling some semblance of control in our conversations, and I let him have it.

"It's good," I replied, swinging the bag onto the countertop. Ralph watched me unzip the bag and pull out contents meant for our transaction. The last piece I took out was the golden watch, hesitating for a moment before setting it gently on the counter, looking up at him afterward.

"Not bad... not bad."

"Are you kidding? This is the best run I've had in months."

"Anyone see you?"

I recalled the cop driving past. "No... we're good." I kept my eyes fixed on his as Ralph inhaled another puff of his death stick.

"Very well," he said as he gathered the items up, "Should have them sold in about 3–4 weeks."

I nodded, "And what of the last shipment?" There was no way I would leave without my due again. Ralph tried to cut me less than agreed upon many times, so I was ready for any kind of trick. My hand slowly caressed the outline of my pocket knife, ready for use if needed. To my surprise and rather reprieve, he threw me the cash owed.

"Now get out of here," Ralph said.

"With pleasure."

Walking out of the store, I made my way to the train station, bag swung around my shoulder, ready to have a little time to myself with my paycheck. It was about time I earned a vacation.

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