The Crab

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The team walked into an underwater Lalotai Dungeon to see Pitch waiting for them, smiling.

"I see you came this far, but your quest ends here, turn back before you get hurt" he chuckled.  "That's it." Hiccup burst.  "I'm tired of this, just give us our stuff, and friends, and get out!"  The team was ready to start a fight, but Pitch just laughed.  "If you guys want your stuff, you'll have to go through him," Pitch said as the large Crab emerged from the darkness in the Dungeon.

"Lads and lasses, look!"  Merida pointed at the Twinetender (Jack Frost Staff) and Inferno (Hiccup's sword) on his back surrounded by a lot of Gold.  "Oh, these" Tomatoa asked.  "They complete the look."  "Sorry we have to ruin your look, but that's ours" Jack demanded as he and Hiccup ran towards the Crab, but they didn't think it through cause Tamatoa slammed both his claws on the ground, causing a massive shock wave that sent Jack and Hiccup flying.

"Can't you fly up there and get our stuff?!?!" Hiccup yelped.  "Do you see my Staff, no magic Staff, no magic powers!!" Jack angrily shouted.  "Aw, does the little Chief and Winter Spirit having trouble getting their stuff back" Tomatoa laughed as he created another shock wave.  "Ugh, how do we do this?" Merida asked.  "Well, maybe I can..." Rapunzel started, but Jack interrupted.  "Just follow my lead, stay back kids," he said as they ran towards the giant Crab with an annoyed Rapunzel following them.

Jack tried to kick him in the face, but the obsessed-with-gold-Crab grabbed his foot and threw the White haired man slamming him against the wall, he also smashed his claw next to Merida knocking her back, like last time, he trapped Moana within a cage made from discarded bones, he smashed his Claws on the ground, causing a massive hole, trapping Hiccup and Maui.  He then felt something hot on his lower Clam, he looked down to see Anna blasting him.  "Oh, I do love a hot dinner" he joked as he picked Anna, who was fighting to get out of his grasp.

As he started to lower Anna in his mouth like she was prey, but then he felt a shot of ice in his arm, so hard he threw Anna.  "Leave us alone and give us back our stuff now!"  Elsa demanded.  "Your have to pry it from my cold, dead, shiny Shell" Tamatoa yelled as he rapidly slammed his claws on the ground. 

"What's going on?" Hiccup asked as Maui pulled him out of the pit, Anna pulled Moana out of her Cage and the team regrouped.  "Guys, Looked!" the kids pointed at the ceiling, bones of Tamatoa's prey came falling down on them.  "Look out!" Rapunzel yelped as her hair formed a protective shield around them.

"Did they stop falling?" Rapunzel.  Merida looked outside Rapunzel's hair to see Tamatoa's big eye starring at them.  "Lass, I hope you have a plan cause he's starring right at us."  "We hit him with everything we've got," Jack said as Rapunzel was about to talk.  

Rapunzel's hair fell from its protective form and Elsa quickly blasted him, Maui shapeshifted into a Hawk to try to get to Tamatoa's back, but he shoved him away with his claw.  Maui slowly got up, but it was too late.  Tamatoa was right above ready to make him Demigod pancake, but then something happened.

Rapunzel's whipped her hair around Tamatoa's Necklace and yanked him down.  "Guys go, I can't hold him much longer" Rapunzel struggled to keep him down, so Hiccup and Jack quickly ran up his head to grab their stuff, but Tamatoa quickly put every force in his head and jerked it up, making Rapunzel fly across the Cave.

"These Staff and Sword are mine now!" the Crab laughed.  "Guess again, big, shiny, and ugly" Jack joked. Tamatoa turned around to see Jack and Hiccup with their stuff back.  "Huh, please, that doesn't stop me," Tamatoa said as he threw Maui around until he landed on the floor, unconscious, his Fish Hook landed near Moana, who taught of an idea, she wasn't sure, but hey, first time for anything.

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