No excuses✨

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TW//Miscarriage ⚠️

Betty POV
Holding onto these secrets is crushing me. I wish I could change back time and change it all but I can't. You can't retrieve a bullet back into a gun. That's what it felt like I had done. I had shot Jughead with my actions, I'd been unfaithful and I know that it is killing him inside.
"Archie and I...kissed." The look on his face ripped me apart.
"I'm so sorry, Juggie." I sobbed, sniffing as I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Why?" He looked broken. Stone cold. I took a deep breath, realising that I had to come clean.
"Jug...I...God, I thought this would be the easier part." I muttered.
"What do you mean? Easier part?" He questioned.
"That day...we'd argued. I was already in a crappy mood before I came to see you. I was going to tell you something but then we fought and-"
"Tell me what?" He interrupted, confusion etched into his features.
"I'd just come back from the hospital when I came to see you..." I told him.
"The hospital? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Jughead stammered over his words as they tumbled from his mouth. I sighed and reached over to grab his hand and give it a squeeze in reassurance before I continued.
"I was bleeding a lot. Excessively." I revealed.
"Was it your period?" Jughead asked, rubbing his thumb along my hand. I couldn't think of anything except 'I wish it was'.
"No, honey, it wasn't. The thing is... I wasn't meant to have my period which is why I went to the hospital in the first place." A look of confusion spread across his face. "You're not supposed to bleed when you're pregnant..." I whispered, looking down at our hands.
"P-pregnant...? You...I don't-...when? How long? How long did you know?" He stumbled.
"I knew two days before. I was trying to wrap my mind about it so that I wouldn't lose my nerve when I told you about the baby. I was so upset when I find out that I'd lost I came to see you in the bunker. Then we fought and I don't think I'd ever felt more isolated and scared than I did in that moment. I thought that I'd lost...the two most important people in my life in one day. I made a stupid, rash decision that I regret more than anything. Out of everything that I've fucked up, this is the one thing that I would go back and change. I wish I could undo it. It was in a moment of vulnerability and I just needed comfort. I know that none of this is an excuse but I...I just wanted to explain."
" know you can always come to me for comfort. Always. No matter what's happened between us, even if we're in the middle of a fight, I never want you to feel like you don't have anywhere to turn. went through something traumatic. I just wish I could have been there to help you get through it. Why didn't you say anything?" Jughead asked, a tear slowly making its way down his face.
"I just thought that I could handle the grief for both of us without you having to deal with any heartbreak...but clearly I couldn't because I did the stupidest thing i've ever done." I admitted.
"Betty...I honestly don't care about long as it didn't mean anything to you?" He questioned.
"No! No, of course it didn't, Jug." I rambled, trying to reassure him.
"Then it doesn't matter to me. Maybe if the miscarriage hadn't happened then I would care but it did and so...I don't care. All I care about is your physical and mental health right now. Have you thought about a therapist?" He asked, concern evident.
"Yeah, I've considered it but I dont think I'm going to do it. As long as I don't let myself slip into a dark place of grief then I'll be fine. We've both become experts at spotting the signs of my spiralling by now so I think we'll be okay." I informed him. He nodded along, clasping my hand tighter as I saw him thinking, clearly pondering something.
"When were you going to tell me that you were pregnant?" He asked, words getting caught in his throat as his eyes filled up with tears. Without a word, I got up from the bed and walked over to my dresser, opening my underwear drawer and pulling out a gift bag, hesitating before handing it over to him.
"Betts...?" He eyes me delicately before peeing the bag open and choking on a sob when he saw what was inside. He pulled out a pregnancy test, eyes scanning it.
"Positive." He whispered, before breaking down into sobs. I reached my arms around him and he dug his face into my neck, his tears drenching my hair as he sobbed.
"I'm so sorry, Jug." I whispered, running my hands through his hair until he calmed down. "Keep looking." I urged, pointing to the bag as I retreated from the embrace, wiping my tears, but not enough to dry my face. He pulled out a white onesie with little black paw prints over it.
"I thought that...maybe we could have brought the baby home in this." I whispered, seeing him weeping up again.
"This was JBs. This is what my mom brought her home in." He mumbled, in disbelief.
"I know." I murmured into his hair, continuing to run my fingertips through it. Would our baby have had his curls? His midnight black hair? He reached back into the bag a final time, pulling out a slinky blue comfort teddy. If I thought I'd seen Jug at his worst before, I was wrong. I don't think I've ever seen anyone sob this hard. The heart wrenching groans of pain that he let out was enough to wake the whole neighbourhood ~ I'm honestly surprised that the whole family wasn't swarming around the bedroom by now.
"This is..." He looked up at me, light catching in his eyes, lips tilted down in a frown that seemed like a smile in the strangest way.
"Your silly buddy..." I finished for him. "Look, he still has his name tag and everything." I continued, pointing out the printed letters on a rectangular piece of silk labelled silly buddy on the scrappy blue toy. He'd never named it, unable to think of a creative enough name to give it ~ ironic considering it was his job to give characters names and a story.
"You kept him." He spoke, tracing the little bow tie around his neck.
"Of course I did. I only stopped sleeping with him a few months ago, when we moved in together. Ever since you gave him to me when you found out that I was getting nightmares when we were 7 years old, he hasn't left my sight." I admitted, hugging him into my side, where we were both leaning against the headboard.
"Yeah, well, it was kinda my fault that you were having those nightmares. If I stopped Archie from making you watch Silence of the Lambs then it wouldn't have happened in the first place."  We both chuckled at that. He pulled me back as I rested my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair. "We could have been parents." He whispers in disbelief.
"Yeah...we could've done a better job then any other parent in this town that's for sure." I said.
"Yeah, well, like a wise man once said, we're not our parents, Betty." He said, a small smile on his face, still wiping tears from each other's face. "We're so much better than this. Any of it. We're better than this town, Betty, and I can't wait to leave it with you." He tilted her chin up and they shared a short but meaningful kiss before resting back down. Two broken kids, wistful for a life that was so close but is now so far away.

A/N ~ 1366 words (not including this)
I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I shed a tear or two writing it 🥺
I can't wait to get back into the swing of writing!!!
Hope you enjoy!✨ Lots of love 🥰 - C x

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