Love for you Pt.2✨

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TW//talk of miscarriage ⚠️
      //brief mention of blood ⚠️

⚠️ smut ⚠️

3 months later

Betty parked her car in the driveway. A twinge of excitement spread through her stomach. She was so excited to see her husband. Since their fight a few months ago, their marriage has never been better. Everyday, he's waking her up with kisses, they're dancing around the kitchen whilst making breakfast, and spending hours just talking about their days. As for the sex...well, it's never been better. In the morning, in the shower, in the kitchen, in his office, reaching for eachother in the middle of the night, whenever they could, they would. They go on dates, they make romantic gestures and they are constantly touching, whether it was the simplicity of his hand on her back or cuddling for the night on the couch.

"Honey, I'm home!" Betty announced as she walked in the front door, removing her coat and shoes. Normally, Jughead was waiting by the front door for her, like an excited child so she was quite confused when she didn't get a response.As she turned around to make her way into the house, Betty could see red rose petals scattered on the floor. Betty let out a gasp before giggling slightly, trying to imagine what her husband had planned. She was so glad that her husband was back to his old self. He'd been trying to make it up to her ever since their big argument.

Betty followed the petals that led her up the stairs, around the corner and into their bedroom. As she arrived at the master bedroom, she opened the door to see candles organised to create an isle, leading to the en-suite bathroom. When Betty opened the bathroom door, she shook her head in disbelief at the sight in front of her. Her very sexy husband was sat on the edge of the bath in a towel robe with a rose stem in his mouth. Betty burst out laughing as her husband joined in with her laughter, the rose falling from his mouth.

"I tried to be sexy, okay?" He laughed, standing up from the bath. Only now that he had stood up did Betty notice that there was a bath run for them with bubbles overflowing. On the bath stand, beside the bath, there were two glasses of champagne laid out next to a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. Over the past few months her husband had been buying her flowers, jewellery, shoes or anything that he thought that she would love. Only last week, Jughead had surprised her at work (specifically on a day that he knew she only had one surgery in the morning), with flowers and some lunch, kissing her in front of all of her colleagues, without a care in the world.

"You don't even have to try, Juggie." Betty smiled happily as she walked over to her husband, giving him a gentle kiss before pulling him close and rubbing her hands up and down his back, smiling brightly. "This is amazing, honey. I think this is one of the most romantic things that you have ever done for me. I really needed this. Thank you." She whispered before pulling him in for another deep kiss.
"You deserve it, Betts." He whispered against her lips. Betty smiled, even bigger than she thought possible before tugging at the belt of his robe, her bottom lip tucked into her teeth. Jughead raised an eyebrow at her advances. She reached up to his shoulders to push the robe away, stroking her fingers down his arms as she looked him up and down with a teasing glint in her eye. Jughead smiled before reaching for her scrubs to remove her shirt, followed by her trousers. "D'you fancy a dip?" He questioned, smirking as she shimmied out of her underwear.
"Do you even have to ask?" Betty responded, stepping into the tub with the helping hand of her husband.


After 30 minutes of passionate, loving sex, the couple were surprised that there were still bubbles left in the tub. Betty hummed quietly as she leaned back against her husband's chest as he reached for the glasses of champagne that they hadn't had the opportunity to drink yet. Jughead allowed himself to have a drink with his wife every now and then but he never drank alone, and it was never spirits, just a glass of champagne here and there or a glass of wine with dinner. The condensation on the glass caused it to be slippery in Jughead's hand due to it being left in the steamed room for so long. As he passed a glass to Betty, she turned her head around to kiss his lips.

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