Sunday Mornings✨

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Betty POV
It was mid-morning on a Sunday when Jug and I were sitting on our window seat with me laying in between his legs whilst we read the weekly paper. The paper felt thinner than usual, not much was happening and it was bliss. We could hear birds chirping and children playing on their bikes, without feeling the urge to tell them to go inside because it wasn't safe. I sighed deeply, knowing that I was secure and safe in the arms of my soulmate, I finally felt at peace. That was until our bedroom door swung open, startling both of us.

"Good morning, love birds!" My mom practically sang.
"Morning mom" I grumbled whilst Jug nodded in acknowledgment.
"Oh cheer up Elizabeth! It's a beautiful and peaceful day out and for once you two detectives don't have a mystery to solve." She chastised.
"Yeah well, it would be a lot more peaceful if you weren't here to disturb us." I replied whilst Jug stifled a laugh in my hair.
"Fine, fine, I can take a hint, you want your privacy, I get it. I just wanted to bring you guys some tea." Alice surrendered.
"Thanks mom." I reply, grateful that she could take the not-so-subtle hint. As my mom left I noticed that she left the door slightly ajar. I looked up at Jug and rolled my eyes whilst I felt him chuckle against my back.

"Mom!" I shouted, trying to get her attention.
"Yes honey?" My mom replied a few seconds later, poking her head around the door.
"Close the door." I stated, matter-of-factly.
"But Betty-"
"No mom!" I interrupted.
"Fine, fine! But if I hear anything, and I mean ANYTHING, I will not hesitate to come up here and cut it off Jones!" My mom threatened.
"MOM!" I yelled.
"I'm serious! I don't want any more grandkids before I'm fifty!" She declared.
"Oh great! That gives us two years to prepare for Baby Jones number 1, Betts!" Jughead jokes. My eyes widened as my mom shot Jughead an angry glare.
"I'm scared." I heard Jug whisper into my ear.
"And you damn should be Forsythe!" My mom shouted as she slammed the door behind her. We both burst out laughing as I turned my head around and trail kisses from his chin, up to his mouth to muffle our giggles.

{A/N} 399 words not including this.
I know that this is really short but I thought it was kinda cute🥺
Hope you enjoy✨ Lots of love🥰

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