Harmless Secret✨

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General POV
"You what?" Betty screamed. She and her husband had just put their 3 kids to bed before settling on the sofa with a glass of wine and a movie. Jughead looked shocked at his wife's reaction.
"Betty, keep it down. We don't wanna wake the kids." Jughead whispered.
"What? The kids that have scarred you enough to make you realise that you didn't want anymore?" Betty looked heartbroken and furious at the same time and Jughead wasn't sure which emotion to deal with first.
"That's not true, Betty, and you know it. I love our kids more than anything in the world. I thought you would be happy about this. You don't have to keep taking the pill, this takes a lot of pressure away from you. You told me just last week that taking the pill stresses you out, especially after our pregnancy scare last month. I thought I was doing the right thing by getting a vasectomy. You're not ready for another baby." Jughead tried to ease his wife by explaining his thought process but by the look that fell over her face he knew that he had just, in fact, made it worse.
"Yeah, well you thought wrong." Betty stood up, wiping the single tear that had fallen from her glassy eyes, and walked towards the stairs.
"You can sleep in the guest room tonight." Betty informed, not turning her head. Jughead threw his head back over the sofa and ran his hands through his hair and let out a huff.
A few minutes later
Betty laid on her back as she stared up at the ceiling, her tears falling to her temples as she pondered her husband's actions. She heard a knock on the door and turned to see her 6 year old daughter, Paisley, standing in her pyjamas with her teddy trailing behind her. Her eyes were glistening with tiredness.
"You woke me up with your shouting." She put her hands on her hips and pouted, whilst Betty wiped her tears before her daughter could notice.
"I'm sorry, baby. Come on up." She threw the covers back as her daughter made her way over and snuggled into her mother's side. Just as Betty thought that she was asleep, she heard a murmur.
"Where's daddy?" Betty tensed up as she thought of what to say.
"He's in another room, sweetheart, but he's okay, don't worry." She tried to compromise.
"Why, mumma?" She was in a drowsy state and Betty was hoping that she would fall asleep before she had a chance to answer, but no such luck.
"Well, you know how you and your brothers fight sometimes?" Paisley didn't say anything, instead she just nodded. "Sometimes Mommy's and Daddy's fight too." Betty ran her fingers through her daughter's hair as she began to fall asleep. She didn't exactly want to tell her child that she had just had a fight with her father but she couldn't think of anything else. They do say that kids always know when you're lying.
"Gracie said that she heard her parents fighting and then a couple of weeks later they were living in different houses and they broke up. Are you and daddy going to break up, mommy?" Paisley looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes and Betty realised in that moment, just how scared her daughter was and that she'd probably been thinking about this longer than she let on. Betty instantly shook her head before answering.
"Of course not, Pais. I love your daddy so much, you have no idea. We're not breaking up, okay? We just had a little disagreement but that's normal. Mommy's and Daddy's have their off days too. Gracie's parents are nothing like us, what's happening with them is completely different." Betty lectured her daughter to try and engrave it that her and Jughead had a very beautiful and strong marriage. Paisley yawned before nodding and nestling herself back into her mother's chest, too exhausted to talk about it anymore.
"Nigh' Momma." Paisley murmured, barely being able to make out what she was saying.
"Goodnight, my angel." Betty whispered into her hair before dozing off to sleep just after her daughter.
The next morning
Jughead couldn't sleep all night going over the fight he had with his wife over and over again. Most of it was a blur but he can remember her just snapping but he couldn't think of what he had said that would make her that angry that fast. He pulled himself out of bed and made his way downstairs in nothing but pyjama bottoms. He could already hear his three children laughing and chatting with his wife and it warmed his heart. He turned the corner of the squeaky stair, causing his wife to look in his direction before realising that it was him and averting her gaze back to the lunch boxes that she was preparing their children.
"Good morning, my angels." Jughead announced as he walked up to the kitchen island stools where his kids were sitting. He leaned over to kiss their youngest child, 4 year old Liam on his wild black curls and then moved along to rustle with the hair of his oldest child Charlie who had just turned 9, before leaning down to kiss the cheek of their only daughter.
"Daddy!" Paisley has always been the spitting image of her father other than her hair, which was 100% her mother. Jughead always had a close bond with his daughter and had promised to protect her since the day she was born and so far he hasn't managed to break it, nor does he ever intend to.
"I missed you last night. I came into yours and mommy's room for cuddles and you weren't there but mommy said that you were in the other bedroom because you had a fight and you made mommy cry." Their daughter had always said it as it is. She never held back from the truth, apparently not in this situation either. Betty stopped chopping the carrot sticks in shock of everything that her daughter had just said. Both parents seemed to have the same idea and turned to look at Charlie who had worry painted all over his face. Jughead knew that Charlie has many friends whose parents weren't together anymore and it broke his heart to see how anxious he gets about his own parents splitting up. To stop his son from worrying he did the first thing that came to mind.
"You don't need to worry, Pais. None of you do. Mommy and Daddy are fine. We are very much in love." Jughead walks around to the side of the island that his wife is standing on, clad in pyjama shorts and a tank top. He leaned in for a kiss on the lips but Betty turned her face away to redirect Jughead's lips onto her cheek instead. Jughead turned and walked towards the sink so that he would have his back facing his children and pretended to wash his hands so that his family wouldn't hear his disappointed sigh. Never, in their 13 years of marriage had Betty ever rejected a kiss off him. It might sound stupid, because it's just a kiss, right? But she couldn't even kiss him to let their kids know that they were okay and that really stung. He realised just how much he had messed up last night and he needed to fix it. As Betty made her way up the stairs to get herself and the kids ready for the day, Jughead walked into the lounge room to make a phone call. Jughead paced around the room for a while after that, trying to think of some way that he could breach this subject with his wife, before he was interrupted by all of the kids running down the stairs in a race to the car. Before any of them actually left the house they all charged towards their father for hugs and kisses. Apart from Betty. She made a beeline for the door as the kids got themselves buckled in the car and before Jughead could say anything she glared at her husband.
"The kids are going to Veronica's for a sleepover tonight. I don't want them to be here when the shouting starts." She said it like she was proud before slamming the door behind her and doing the school run.
Jughead knew that there was something that Betty was dying to say but yet couldn't bring herself to say. He wishes that he could get inside her mind sometimes.

{A/N} ~ 1410 words not including this. PART 2 COMING SOON🤍
Hope you enjoy! Lots of love🥰 - C x

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