Chapter three

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Third PoV:

Somehow, Merle managed to persuade Hunter to come along to the farm with him and the others. Daryl gave Hunter a pleasantly surprised look when he saw the teen owned a motorbike.

When they arrived at the farm, Carol ran straight to Sophia, tears streaming down both their faces as they clung to each other.

"Oh Sophia! H-how did you get here? Did Shane and Rick find you?" Carol sniffled.

Sophia shook her head, "no, Mr Hunter did! And Mr Merle! Mr Hunter killed the walker that was following me and then we found a buck! But Otis- the man over there in the green coat - shot it and the bullet was going to hit Carl but Mr Hunter pushed him out of the way and he got hit in the leg instead!"

All the adults were giving the young girl amused looks, wondering how on Earth she hadn't run out of air. Then suddenly it clicked for the people who were on the highway and didn't know about the gunshot.

"Wait what? The rebel looking kid got shot?" Glenn asked.

Sophia nodded softly.

"Man why the fuck didn't you say nothing?" T-Dog asked.

"Forgot," Hunter shrugged.

Both the Dixon brothers snorted at the teens answer. How the fuck could someone forget they'd been shot in the leg? The guy wasn't even limping!

"Well you best come inside young man, I've been told you don't want any help from me but at least sit down inside and allow me to give you some medical supplies?" A new voice asked.

"Nah I've got my own supplies, cheers though. But if you insist then it would be nice to sit down for a little while." He shrugged.

The man nodded and told him to follow him inside.

"I'm Hershel Greene."

"Hunter Peverell, nice to meet you Mr Greene."

"Just Hershel will do Mr Peverell. Say, where are you from?"

"London sir, born and raised aristocrat," Hunter grinned cheekily.

Hershel raised a disbelieving eyebrow, "really?"

Hunter snorted, "yep, it's the look that makes that seem unbelievable isn't it?"

"Yeah...I take it you rebelled against your family?"

"Uh huh, why would I wanna be a snooty prat like them?


Hunters PoV:

After I was finished removing the bullet, cleaning the wound, stitching it up and wrapping my leg, I cast a numbing charm on in so I could carry on walking normally. It would be no good if there was a walker attack and I was hobbling about the place.

Of course I could just apparate away and there was the fact that walkers tended to leave me alone if I myself was alone but a) if I apparated, I might end up in the middle of a herd and b) recently I always seem to be around someone. Sure I could apparate around the camp as I can see there's no walkers but it's very likely I would get caught.

By now I reckon Merle would have told Daryl about me being a wizard, so there's two people who already know. And I don't plan on letting anyone else know yet. Perhaps in the future but not now.

It's good that two people know actually as it means I can use magic around them freely and give them extra food (meat) and we can just pretend they caught it and skinned it.

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