Chapter 9

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In this fic, they meet the governor earlier than in the tv show. So Lori dies a little while after they meet him but not in the same way she did in the show seeing as they killed the prisoner that let all the walkers into the prison.

Third POV:

There had been talk of a new community near the prison, Woodbury. The group had already had several run ins with the leader, a man called Philip Blake or as he calls himself, the governor.

Hunter despised the arrogant man, he reminded him of a rip off version of Voldemort.

Except in this case he wasn't obsessed with protecting his horcruxes, instead with his walker-daughter.

He had a bunch of followers who agreed to his every whim, they did everything he said *cough* commanded *cough* immediately and without question. It was ridiculous how much power the man had but Hunter knew that with his magic he could easily overthrow the twat.

They'd also been running low on food and other resources lately, and considering Lori was due to give birth any day now, that was bad. They had a cot and few gender-neutral baby clothes ready as they didn't know whether or not the baby was a girl or a boy, but they had nothing else. Obviously Hunter had his little sisters clothes from when she was a baby still but they didn't know that.

Hunter knew he could just magic some more baby formula up seeing as it wasn't really food just powder. But it would seem a little strange just how he'd managed to get the formula when they had searched everywhere within a twenty mile distance.

Hunter hadn't been able to go to his tent lately as people, who he knew would probably snoop (like Carl) were constantly around him. Sophia had matured quite a lot and was actually rather handy with a knife, just like her mother.

Eventually, Hunter grew very irritated with his group, he really wasn't a people person, and so he announced out of the blue that he was going scavenging for a week or so. Of course many people within the group tried to shoot down his idea but ultimately the only person who Hunter would really listen to (Mortem) didn't both trying to stop him.

But it was clear to Hunter that the Dixon brothers were also itching to get away so he proposed the idea of bringing them along. It would ensure the group wouldn't worry as much as there would be three of them and there was also the added fact that the brothers already knew about his magic and wouldn't bat an eyelid when he used it around them.

So that's exactly what he did, he and the brothers left and he quickly apparated them about 40 miles away into a forest were he could set up his tent for them to use. He was too lazy to actually do it himself so he merely flicked his hand and it was put up, causing Daryl and Merle to raise an eyebrow (which he promptly ignored).

"Show off," Daryl grumbled, causing him to snort.

"You're just jealous you have to kill your arms putting these damn tents up," Hunter taunted.

Merle clicked his tongue and tutted playfully, "now now ladies, we wouldn't want a little cat fight to break out would we?"

Daryl and Hunter snorted at that before quickly entering the tent, closely followed by the older man.

"Sweet fuck," Merle whistled.

Daryl merely stood there in shock.

Hunter just grinned, he was proud of his tent.

>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>

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