Chapter 4 - The Car

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 Although Greg and Susan's research Monday evening looking for a place to live was only marginally productive, looking for a car was more so. Based on the money Susan now had in the bank, they determined their price range then began comparing models and prices for the cars they thought they might want to buy. It didn't take them long to settle on an SUV, but that still left them with a lot of models to consider.

Jessie was yawning by the time bedtime came, and so with their list for the next day made, Greg and Susan shut down their computers, taking them and the entire family back to the guest house to get ready to turn in. Susan got Jessie into her pajamas and listened to her prayers while Greg and Zackary continued to talk about cars in the front room.

"So what did you two decide?" Susan asked.

"We decided that since you will be the one primarily driving whatever we get, the final decision should be yours," Greg told her.

"Thank you," Susan said. "I presume however, based on our conversation over dinner, you two will have substantial input on whatever I pick."

"Probably," Greg agreed.

"Zack?" Susan checked.

"Yeah Mom. We'll be the ones to keep you from buying something stupid looking," Zackary told her.

"Well thank you for that. I certainly wouldn't want to be seen driving anything stupid looking," Susan said in a teasing tone. "And so, since you have such an important job ahead of you tomorrow, perhaps you should be turning in? Jessie is already asleep."

"Yeah okay," Zackary agreed. "Are Jessie and I going to have to share a room in our new house too?"

"I don't expect so," Greg told him. "We'll be looking for a four bedroom house at least."

"Why four bedrooms?" Zackary asked. "Is the extra one for Matt?"

"Actually, that is one thing we haven't considered ... a guest room," Greg pointed out. 

"I'm not sure how we'll accommodate that," Susan told her husband, "but more than likely when Matt visits, he and Zackary will have to share. The fourth bedroom is for Greg and I to use as an office, Zack. But perhaps we can be creative on how we use whatever space is available in the house we find."

"That's okay Mom. Matt and I share at Dad's house. We're used to it," Zackary told her. "Good night. Sleep better tonight, okay?"

"I'll try," Susan told her son. "You too though."

Zackary smiled, kissed his mother on the cheek then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?" Greg asked in surprise.

"Better than I did the night before," Susan told him. "But I did get up once ... and Zackary was up too, using the bathroom. We sort of passed one another in the hall."

"Oh, I see. I was concerned your back might still be bothering you," Greg said.

Susan smiled, straightening the tiny living room of the guest house as they talked.

"Your perceptions do you credit. It is still bothering me. In fact, if it doesn't go away by tomorrow, or by Wednesday at the latest, I thought I might ask Marion if she has a doctor in the area who might see me," Susan said.

"Because of the miscarriage?" Greg checked.

"Yes. I'm still bleeding a bit more heavily than it seems like I should be," Susan said. "If it doesn't let up tomorrow, between that and the continued cramping, I probably should be seen."

"We can delay our car shopping if need be, Susan," Greg told her.

"Not yet. Let's do tomorrow as planned, and if it isn't any better by tomorrow evening, I'll talk to Marion and try to get an appointment for myself for Thursday while you're in your meetings," Susan said.

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