Chapter 28 - Concerns About Jessie

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The Saturday evening dinner party at the Abernathys was a tremendous success for a number of reasons. Everyone enjoyed themselves and had a good time, the food was delicious, and as Greg hoped, Richard and Marion were more than willing to care for Zackary and Jessie for a few extra days during the coming weeks. What’s more, Richard was even under the impression it was his idea. Greg always felt extremely pleased with himself when things turned out that way.

Susan spent Sunday after services and most of Monday getting them packed and the house ready to leave. As a result, when they got the call late Monday afternoon that their furniture would be arriving before noon the next day, both she and Greg were very pleased. They called to let Richard and Marion know they would be leaving by noon, hopefully sooner the next day, and spent as much time as possible with the children on Monday evening, just to ensure they were okay with the idea of the two of them being away.

“Can we go to the beach at the beach house on the weekend?” Zackary checked as he and Jessie were brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed.

“Yes, if they are willing to take you, it’s okay with me,” Susan said.

“Will we go to services, Mama?” Jessie asked.

“You’d have to go by yourselves probably,” Susan cautioned “But it’s okay with me if you go … to church at least. They know you there. You should probably ask Papa if he thinks you should go to the synagogue if he’s not there.”

“I think you should attend whatever service Richard and or Marion are willing to take you to,” Greg said. “They will be staying in our home, but they will be caring for you. I think its okay to ask them, but you should do what they decide you should do, even if that means attending no services at all this weekend.”

“Okay Papa. I’ll be good,” Jessie promised.

“I never doubted it,” Greg told her.

“I think I’ll pray to Jesus and ask him if it’s okay to go to the synagogue,” she said. “Good night, Papa.”

“Good night Jessie,” Greg said with a bemused expression on his face.

“How about you?  Are you ready for bed?” Susan said as she tucked in her son, next, still thinking about Jessie’s comment.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Zackary said as Susan walked with him to his own room and waited while he climbed into bed. “Mom, is Jessie confused?” Zackary asked, apparently thinking about Jessie’s comment too.

“She might be,” Susan agreed. “Good night Zack.”

“Good night Mom. Have a good honeymoon.”

“Thank you. I think we will,” Susan told him.

Zackary looked at his mother curiously before she could leave. “So Mom, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Susan said as she turned back. “What do you want to know?”

“Aren’t honeymoons about sex?” Zackary asked.

“They can be. For newlyweds they usually are, but they are also about spending time alone, learning about each other, getting to know one another better, or just spending quality time together,” Susan explained. “Honeymoons can be about all kinds of things … not only sex.”

Zackary nodded. ”But you don’t have to wait for a honeymoon to have sex, once you’re married, do you?”

“No. Just the being married part is enough,” Susan assured him.

“Good. Cause I know Dad didn’t wait … and I was hoping you didn’t either,” Zackary said.

“You know what?”

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