Chapter 30 - Something New

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It was late in the morning, just before noon by the time Greg and Susan left the beach and got back into their car to resume their journey northward. Susan decided to drive, taking them up the coast towards the tiny Danish town of Solvang, less than an hour away. It was the perfect place to have lunch they decided, and they treated themselves to lunch at a popular restaurant serving European inspired fare.

 “Do you want to drive?” Susan asked an hour later after lunch, as they returned to their car.

“Yes,” Greg told her, “if you don’t mind.”

“No. I don’t mind,” Susan said as they both got in.

Greg started the car, directing it back towards the highway headed once again north.

“Do you have any idea where you want to spend the night?” Greg asked as they drove.

“Not really. Maybe some place along the Pacific Coast Highway, near the shore?” Susan suggested.

“Perhaps,” Greg said. “There are a few small towns along that route, but not many if memory serves. We may not have too many choices since for tonight, we don’t have reservations.”

“I’m sure whatever we find, it will be better than some of the places we’ve already stayed,” Susan commented.

“Quite true. It’s a bit of an adventure this way, don’t you think?” Greg mused.

Susan smiled. “A bit tame as adventures go, in my opinion.”

“It’s about as much adventure as I care for these days to be honest,” Greg told her.

“I do think we got our fill of the other kind,” Susan agreed.

“Ready for another conversation?” Greg wondered.

“Now?” Susan asked curiously.

“Before we reach the relatively windy road at the coast. I thought we could discuss one of the topics I mentioned earlier, that I’ve wanted to discuss with you. I hoped you might indulge me by doing that before we stop tonight,” he suggested.

“Any particular reason?” Susan asked curiously.

“Yes. I thought the direction our conversation eventually takes us, it might have a bearing on how we decide to spend the evening,” he explained.

“Then I’m guessing you want to discuss the topic of our sex live, rather than our future,” Susan concluded.

“My apologies I should have said what I meant. Do you mind?” Greg asked.

“I don’t think so,” Susan answered. “Should I?”

“I understand the topic is very personal … perhaps even more so than our earlier discussion relative to religion,” Greg said tentatively.

“Greg, you’ve got me immensely curious. Could you just tell me what it is you want to talk about instead of making me guess?” Susan asked.

“Are you sure?” he asked, still hesitating.

“You’ve never been the shy sort when it comes to talking about sex. Please tell me what you’re thinking about that you’re so reluctant to say.”

“I will. I’ve just been trying to decide how to phrase it. I don’t want to inhibit our discussion by going about it the wrong way,” he cautioned.

“Understandable. Generally talking about sex with anybody can be tricky at times. But I’m your wife, Greg. Surely that should make a difference?” she asked.

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