Chapter 6 - The House

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Richard was standing in the middle of his driveway, waiting for them when Greg and Susan pulled up after their dinner out.

"The kids tell me you found a house," Richard said as they got out.

"Hello Richard," Greg greeted him more properly as he and Susan walked towards the front door.

"Hi Richard," Susan added as she joined them from the far side of the car.

"Hello," Richard said grudgingly. "So will one of you tell me if it's true? Did you find a house?"

"Anxious for us to move out?" Greg teased.

"Not at all," Richard said firmly. "It's just that it was one of the big things on your to do list so I want to know. Did you?" he asked again.

"It would be more accurate to say Susan, Zackary, and Jessie found a house. I haven't seen it," Greg told him.

"That's not what Jessie said. She said you looked at it tonight, just before sending them back with Mitchel," Richard reported.

"Yes, I did look at it from the outside, and it does look promising, however I won't see the inside until tomorrow morning," Greg explained as they all walked in.

"What kind of house is it?" Richard pressed as he followed them in.

"An old house that's been remodeled badly several times," Susan answered.

"Where? In the suburbs?" Richard asked.

"No, in the country," Greg told him. "I won't be able to tell you much more about it until I see it tomorrow morning."

"Zack and Jessie are saying it has an attic and tunnels?" Richard questioned.

Greg arched a brow. "Then it would seem they know more about it than I do," he answered congenially.

"Hi Mom. How was dinner?" Zackary asked as he and Jessie came from the TV room to greet Susan and Greg.

"Good. The restaurant had a really nice view overlooking the ocean and the food was good," Susan answered.

"Jessie and Zack have been telling us you've found a house," Marion told them as she came to greet the new arrivals too.

"So Richard has been saying," Greg answered.

"It sounds really interesting," Marion added.

"It is," Susan admitted.

"So, tell us about it," Richard pleaded.

"I'd rather not say too much about it Richard, not until Greg has a chance to see it for himself," Susan answered.

"Why not?" Richard whined. "I want to know!"

"Because, I don't want to influence his opinion too much," Susan explained.

"Very wise," Marion commented. "They haven't decided honey," Marion consoled her husband when he started to pout. "I'm sure they'll tell us about it if they decide to take it."

"You can be sure we will," Greg told them.

"You see?" Marion said.

"Oh, if you insist," Richard said looking decidedly disappointed.

"Were the kids any trouble?" Susan asked as she surveyed the collection of pizza boxes in the kitchen.

"None at all," Marion assured her. "We ordered pizza, watched a movie with Richard in it and had fun."

"You did?" Richard asked dubiously.

"Yeah. It was fun," Zackary told him.

"You were really funny Uncle Richard," Jessie told him.

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