Chapter 33 - A Bad Dessert

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Greg kissed his wife tenderly as he laid her down on the bed in their hotel room and crawled in beside her. Susan immediately moved in closer to him and snuggled up against his side, settling herself beneath his arm.

"Did you want to make love tonight?" she asked softly.

Greg considered his wife as she lay half asleep in his arms.

"How about in the morning?" he suggested as he kissed the top of her head.

Susan smiled contentedly, nodded slightly, and drifted off into sleep. Greg wasn't far behind. It was their second late night in just two days, and both evenings had given him a lot to consider.


Greg was aware of Susan moving beside him before he was fully awake several hours later. He lifted an eyelid slightly, feeling certain that it must still be the middle of the night and discovered that although it was still early, it was indeed growing light outside.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he felt Susan slide away from him and leave the bed.

"Bathroom," she told him and disappeared into the next room.

By the time she returned, Greg was more fully awake and waiting for her while lying on his side.

"Good morning," he greeted her as she slid back into bed.

"Good morning," Susan said sleepily.

"Were you planning to go back to sleep?" Greg asked curiously.

"I was thinking about it," Susan told him stretching sightly. "Of course, if you are ready to be awake, there is a chance you could talk me into changing my mind."

"Oh? And how would I do that?" Greg asked with a knowing smile.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm sure you can think of something," Susan told him with an inviting kiss.

Greg returned her kiss for a moment before sliding out of bed. "I'll be right back," he told her before disappearing into the bathroom.

Susan rolled onto her stomach, trying to convince herself she was really awake enough for amorous activities, if it turned out that's what her husband had in mind. She dozed for a few minutes while waiting for him to return, but when she opened her eyes again she realized that quite a long time had passed, and still he hadn't emerged from the bathroom. Growing concerned, Susan arrose from the bed, and went to knock lightly on the bathroom door.

"Is everything okay in there?" she asked.

"I'll be out in a moment," Greg's voice assured her.

He was, but he looked to be in a less amorous mood when he came out than he was when he went in. Greg sat down beside Susan on the side of the bed looking pensively at her.

"Are you ill?" Susan asked as she studied his face. His coloring was off and he looked vaguely uncomfortable.

"Not exactly ... but I'm not myself either. I think something in Alan's supper didn't agree with me last night."

"I don't think it was the supper, Greg. I'm afraid it was Cindy's dessert. It smelled a bit sour to me, but I didn't want to offend her so I didn't say anything," Susan said.

"But it smelled off to you?" Greg questioned.

"A little, but it was made with sour cream, so I couldn't be sure," she said.

"But you did have some. I saw you eating it," Greg commented.

"I did, but I didn't eat the cream filling between the two layers," Susan explained. "I suspect that was the cause."

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