Where it all started

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Chapter 1
*Takes place in Aot time period

"Y/n,what are your plans for next year?"your mother asked curiously.You are in your final month at school and have plans to enter the Marleyan military,more specifically,the army."Yes mom,I would like to go to the army",you said casually,not returning a look back at your mother's horrified face."But you are a Eldian,y/n!Think about this please,don't make this worse for our family.What if you don't return?You heard the rumours of how the Eldians are treated in the military..."

Your mother's words stung through your heart as you recounted how your uncle's fate turned out.He punched his Marleyan superior which let to a court martial...and ended with him getting publicly executed.You still remember the Marleyan officer and his gut wrenching smile when your uncle got shot.

"I know mom but,I must go.I can't let our people be oppressed like this!Even our fellow people on Paradis Island!Your family were one of the few who really knew the true history of the Eldians.

Your mom gave you a stern look."You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age,I admire your passion but,don't you think you are going a little overboard with this whole,thing of yours?Why don't you just do something else after school like most of your friends?Be a teacher,anything else,but why the bloody army,y/n?"

"I'm tired of all of this mom!"you hissed through your teeth.You are a open minded person but,today is the first time you overstepped your own boundary.Your mother gives you a look of daggers."I'm sorry mom,I didn't meant for it to sound like that",you apologized quickly and went to your room like a dog with its tail in between its legs.

A few days later...

You are in your room,cleaning it when your mother knocks on your door.You smile at her when she suddenly hugs you."Do you still have a interest in the army,y/n?"The sudden question confused you but,you know in your gut what is bound to happen next.It's either a she approves of the idea or not.

"I thought about your idea and I approve of it but, I want to tell you one thing,whatever you do,do it with pride and face the consequences with hope,please".Your mother's words surprised you but you hug her back and nod your head in agreement.

A week later you enlist in the military and hope that they take you in.You already know where you will be placed in since you're Eldian.

Three weeks later you arrive at the basic training camp and you'll be training there for a couple of weeks.You're actually surprised you got in the army,it was kind of a childhood dream of yours..Just not in this military but,you're compelled to make this work as too many innocent people are dying because of these selfish douchebags of officers who do this for personal gain.

The thought left you angry again but,you decide to get sleep because tomorrow you graduate from basic training.

"Graduate my ass",said one of your friends you met during training.He usually said what's on his mind but,only to you.(You can choose his name)."You could get killed if wrong ears heard what you said",you whispered to f/n while making your beds before graduation.The other cadets looks tense as no-one can really tell what this "graduation"meant.

After you ate breakfast which usually consist of two slices of bread and black,bitter coffee,you were called outside by your instructor.He never really belittled us but,if you got on his bad side you were of course the worst devil of them all.

"Today you were all expecting graduation but,we got instructions from my superior which states that all cadets and capable troops be stationed in the newest camp in the middle east by tomorrow evening.Once you got there,you will await further orders."

The dread between us cadets were so thick it almost choked us.Instead of graduation,we are going to war.The realization only hit us when we started packing for our trip,which some of us may not return from.All of us wrote letters to our families.That night,only a few could sleep.

Sorry for my spelling mistakes,I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting.

Yelena x female reader~Loving my superior~Where stories live. Discover now