So,who are you?

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Chapter 2

All of the cadets sit in the back of the truck on their way to the camp you'll be staying for who-knows-how-long." L/n,when you're at war,are you gonna flash your pretty face for the enemies and hope they'll not kill you,huh?,came the question from our new officer and everybody's attention turn to you near the back.You are incredibly confused as to where the question came from when f/n leans into your ear and whispers"The guys upfront is talking shit about you and the officer heard it,that's where the question came from."You look up to the people upfront when suddenly the truck went through a dip in the road the people who talked about you,flew up against the roof and hit their heads,hard.Through the chaos,you tried to stop a giggle when the truck came to a stop.

Someone opens the back door of the truck and motions for the cadets to get out.The cadets took their gear and got out with you first to get pushed into a line.A officer stands with a book in his hand and a pen when he asked your name."Cadet y/n l/n,sir",you quickly said while adjusting your gear properly.After all of the cadets gave their names the officer yelled to get everyone's attention."You devil's better behave or you'll end up like all the other shitheads!You clenched your jaw at that name.After the officer gave his "inspirational" speech,the Marleyans clap their hands with all of us cadets clapping too.We had no choice but,most Eldians hated the other people so it was a rather fucked up situation.

The next day your group got send to a city which was already under attack from the Marleyan army.The Eldians are of course at the front lines.For the cadets the constant gun fire,bombs and blood spilling were a horrifying sight as non of them are used to this.With focus which came natural to you,you entered a building with 5 of the cadets close behind you.You were always someone who weren't scared easily.Suddenly someone strong grabbed your arm and pushed you against a wall.

You came face to face with a person which were really long in height and a gun to your face.You look over to  the five cadets which were surrounded by around 10 of enemy soldiers.Suddenly one of the five cadets shot a enemy soldier in the stomach and all five cadets were mowed down by the enemy soldiers.You didn't really care about them,they were of the few who despised the Eldians on Paradis Island.Your uniform were spattered of the cadets blood and you gulp hard and looked the tall person in the eyes with nothing but coldness in your eyes and a smile on your face.

"I'm y/n and you?",you casually said.The person looked at you for a while longer and then said,"I'm Yelena."Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the person's voice."Sorry for asking but,are you a woman?"You couldn't stop the blush that crept over your face."Yes,I get misgendered a lot."You suddenly feel guilty because you never misgendered someone.Especially a woman that looked so attractive and is going to kill you."Sorry about that",you replied to her."I could kill you in cold blood right here,right now and yet you're apologizing because you misgendered me?"she said with her voice that could put you in a trance."I'm not like other people",you said with a funny feeling in your stomach.She lowered her weapon and the soldiers walk out in front of her.Before she went out,she turned back to you and you could see her in a better light." We'll see each other soon."

You stood there against the wall blushing.Why did I react like that?Why did I say those things?Most importantly,why do I feel like this?I never felt this before in my entire life.The thoughts are racing through your mind but,you regained your focus and checked if your comrades are still alive."Shit,they're gone,"you whispered to yourself.

When you called for help,a Marleyan soldier run to you with a few troops behind her,telling you that the city got taken over by Marleyan forces and that you have to get back to base.You followed her and saw a enemy soldier run up to the Marleyan soldier and before you know it,you shot him in the head.But something felt off,you don't feel anything.

When you were back to base you couldn't stop thinking about Yelena.Even while you were questioned why you were the only one alive from your group.F/n was luckily still alive and you two sit together in the mess hall eating dinner."Hey f/n,if you meet someone new and you get this feeling in your stomach and you blush while talking to that person,what does it mean exactly?" F/n dropped his bread onto his plate and stared at you."Sorry for asking this,but are you living behind a rock?You're obviously crushing on that person."You frown at him and playfully punch his arm."Im not living behind a bloody rock f/n,but you mean crushing as in that you " like" the person?"F/n nods his head in agreement while stuffing his face with bread."Did you hear that the enemy troops are joining the Marleyan military?,f/n said curiously.You almost choked on your coffee.

You got excited with the thought of seeing Yelena again.Is she even still alive?You dismissed that thought and turned around to sleep.

After a few weeks of constant battle,you finally can go back home.You surprised your mother by hiding near the front door when she returned from work.You two talked a lot but,you didn't tell her about Yelena.That's your little secret for now.

Later that evening you decide to take your mom out for dinner.Your father are away on long trips because he teaches at schools around the country.While you were finishing up and getting ready to pay,you hear a commotion outside the small cafe.In the lights that illuminated from nearby buildings,you saw Yelena punching a guy.

Without a second thought,you walk outside and at that moment Yelena looks right at you.She dropped the guy and walk straight to you.She embraced you and whispers in your ear,"I told you we would meet again."

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