To be or not to be...

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Chapter 10

You stretch yourself while Yelena hugs you from behind."Let's do something today."You turn and look at her with a raised eyebrow."Don't you have work to do or is it a day off?"Yelena falls back on the bed and mess her hair up.You find it cute and giggle."Ummm,I think one day off aren't gonna hurt,right?"You laugh at her being silly and cute.It's quite rare to see her like this."Sure,what do you have in mind?"Yelena moves off the bed and open the curtains and the sun's rays instantly blind you.In a attempt to move out of the sunlight,you stumble over your shoes and fall with absolutely no grace on the floor.

After you and Yelena dressed and her laughing her ass off for you,you decide to go to town for a day of relaxation.A little bummed about you ruining a perfect morning,you see a old lady selling jewelry and sorts.Yelena notices you inspecting the products and moves you in the direction of it.You and Yelena spend the time looking through necklaces and earrings with rings.You notice a small box hiding behind a few books on how to manage a business.The box is surprisingly heavy and you open it.Yelena stand behind you looking curiously at the contents.You let out a little gasp at the two rings.I'm gonna leave the description of the rings up to the reader and their preferences.Enjoy!Inside of the box is a small poem:

To be,or not to be
Depends on the two
Who conquers destiny

Yelena takes the box from you,who's still awe struck by the poem.Is this  engagement rings?!Yelena walks over to the old lady and is clearly questioning her about the rings.You browse the jewelry to not get distracted by a certain thought...After a time you and Yelena exit the shop not talking about the rings or anything of that matter.

"Let's get something to eat and then we head back,sounds good?"You nod at Yelena and look for food while you're walking around.The people looks so joyful,it fills your heart with warmth and the site of Yelena next to you,is like fireworks from a celebration.Yelena tangles her hand with yours as you stroll further.

After you eventually found somewhere to eat,you and Yelena head back to your room."Let's take a detour,I wanna show you a place I recently discovered.You'll love it."You look up at her and notice how her eyes sparkle at you."I'm excited,where is this place?"Yelena are clearly amused by your sweet reply.You take a route you haven't seen before and notice that it's near noon.

After a short walk between trees,you are faced with a magnificent view.As far as the eye can see,wildflowers claim the ground as their own.You run into the fields and laugh with joy at the flowers tickling your fingertips.You stare with awe out over the field,as this picturesque view were only described in books.Yelena clears her throat behind you and you turn around,first noticing how her hair moves in the breeze.

The second thing you notice is her kneeling on one knee.What is happening?Your hand quickly cover your mouth as you realise that this a proposal."Y/n,since the day I saw you,you made a special place in my heart.I entrust my heart to you,with the most confidence that you won't play with this fragile thing,beating in my ribcage now,providing the oxygen to tell you how I feel.Would you do me the honor and become my wife?"

By the time Yelena finished,a few tears roll down your face."Yes,I do!"She slips the ring on your finger,you only realising now that it's the ring from earlier."Did you bought it from her?"Yelena stand up and wipe the tears from your eyes."Don't worry about it,just know that it's yours now."You're pretty sure you saw a glimmer in her eyes."Wait,give me the other ring."Yelena hands you the box and you slip the other ring on her finger and seals the question with a passionate kiss."Be my wife?"

A faint blush forms on her cheek and she kisses you back."Are you sure that this is how a proposal works?"You giggle at Yelena's question."I don't know either."Both of you burst out laughing.

After that you walk back to your room,announcing to your friends on the way about the engagement.All of their responses were full of encouragement.The best day indeed.

You end the day by reading pieces of marriage advice to each other based on random quotes from your favourite books.You found it adorable how much Yelena enjoys romantic comedy books.A few quite hilarious quotes made you almost cry on the floor.The atmosphere were very romantic in it's own way,a fire burning in the fireplace and both of you curled up in bed with coffee.

Sorry about posting so late again but,I hope this chapter gave comfort to those of you needing it,  but this is a nice chapter,compared to the others.I hope you enjoyed it!

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