The decision

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Chapter 9

A click near your face wake you up .You open your eyes slightly.It's dark and your eyes need time to adjust to the room you're in.You aren't familiar with the room so you try to identify the sound but,it soon turned into a difficult situation.The gun to your face keeps you from identifying the culprit with a hoodie on but,you  notice something that's unmistakably familiar to you.The feeling of fear.

"Shut your mouth asshole or else you'll get a bullet in your skull.Don't even think of pulling fucking tricks,you got it?"You nod your head at the person.You tried to get a hold on your knife but,it's not where it usually is."Looking for this?"The person,who you presume are male,throw the knife on the bed.You the grab the knife,looking for a weak spot but,the gun to your face lowers the possibility for a win against the person."Why are you holding me at gunpoint?"The man gives a low chuckle."I've been paid to kill you,y/n."

"By who?"You sit upright in the bed.At least the person is patient.The guy goes ahead to sit in front of you on the edge of the bed.He lowers his hoodie for you to see his face.The moon is lightly shining on his face for you to see."No,no,no-"You flew over to the guy and press the knife against his throat."I fucking killed you,you son of a bitch!"

"Calm down,y/n.Now be a good girl and lower the knife or your stomach will get a hole in it."The cold barrel of the weapon is pressed against your stomach.You lower the knife and the guy puts his gun beside him on the bed.His blonde hair lightly falls over his eyes.The eyes that once gave you your definition of hate."Surprised that I'm still alive,huh?"

You sit back on the bed glaring him down."Fuck you,Joseph.I know I killed you but,some fucking how you're still alive.It seems the afterlife didn't even want shit like you,it's a shame."You give a sarcastic laugh."Come on y/n,I think you know who send me here."

The guy in front of you,is named Joseph.You never knew his last name but,back in Marley he was the owner of a well known business.He asked your hand in marriage in your final year in school and you declined his proposal.In a fit of rage,he pulled a gun on you,in front of your entire school.He shot and killed your best friend who tried to get him to lower his gun.After that he run away but,you found him and stabbed him in his stomach during the confrontation.Well,you thought you killed him.

"No Joseph,I don't know who send you but,irony sure are a strange thing."He nods as he lifts his shirt up to show the very visible mark on his stomach."This did sting like a bitch and I'm about to return the favour."Before you could react,you hear the deafening sound and the pain spreading instantly through your body.Joseph comes close to your face and kiss you on your cheek."We wouldn't have never been a happy couple if you didn't know your place,bitch."

You grit your teeth at his comment and the pain in your body.You realize where he shot you.Your blood quickly stains the bed sheet.He stands up and walks out of the room,leaving you to die.You look down and saw he shot you under your right breast.You tried to move but,the pain is keeping you back.

As sweat is forming on your forehead,you think back on the decision you made.Perhaps it was unreasonable but,you didn't see any other way.Leaving Yelena would benefit her even if it meant that you're both in pain doing so.So maybe this is it,the end.

You close your eyes,braising for the worst.You feel something warm.Maybe it's the afterlife.You know you did good with your time on earth.You can go and enjoy your mother's company again.The warmth is inviting you in.Tears are streaming down your face.Until I can love you again,Yelena...

"Y/n?Y/n!Come on,open your eyes!Shit!"Yelena's voice is echoing through you."Someone help,please!"You try to open your eyes but,you just want to sleep in this nice,warm feeling."Bye,my me until the end and forever on..."You whispered at Yelena."Don't say that!Please stay with me."You can hear faint sounds of crying.Her hand takes yours."I'm going to miss your touch,n/n."She giggles through her crying at the nickname you gave her.

The warmth is all around you.The last thing you feel is a tear rolling down your face...

"Hey y/n,wake up!What's wrong?"The sun is shining in your eyes.Yelena's breath is making your cheeks cold from the tears that's still running down your face.You look around the room and back at Yelena's concerned face.She hugs you tightly against her warm chest.This is the first time you woke up with Yelena next to you.

She kisses you on your forehead and you can hear her rapid heartbeat."Why were you crying,n/n?"You wipe your tears from your face with the back of your hand."I had a horrible dream,a very realistic one at that."Yelena rubs your back with her large hands.But the dream leaves you with a ominous feeling for the future.The decision creeping up to you again,forcing you to confront it.

And here comes the painstaking words...

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