Trust me, please

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Chapter 4
*Trigger warning- attempted molestation(sorry)

You've been living with Yelena and Onyankopon for the past week now.The two of them kept going to meetings but,you didn't question them,it's their privacy.You were sitting on your bed drinking tea while reading a book.Yelena had given you a few books to keep you busy for a while.

There's a knock on your door."Come in",you said while looking for a bookmark.Yelena came over to you and now she's sitting beside you.Her face looks serious,so you get nervous."We've to talk about something."she said while taking your hand."Sure,what's it about?",you tried to sound casual."I need to know your point of view on a certain matter."

You frowned but,yet you were intrigued."What do you think about the Eldians on Paradis Island?"The question shocked you because,you rarely spoke of that topic but,you knew your answer."Do you want my real opinion?",you asked her seriously while keeping eye contact.Yelena nods."I'm going to keep my answer simple.They are being mistreated severely and I joined the army in the first place because,I wanted to end this bloodshed."You keep your body from shaking as you don't know what Yelena are going to do with that statement.

Yelena raises a eyebrow."I never knew you have such strong view on that matter."You gulp hard."But I agree with you one hundred percent.Say,do you want to meet like minded people?"You are getting a little suspicious of her sudden interest in a matter so controversial."Depends."You want to know where this conversation came from."Come tonight with me and Onyankopon."You watch her stand up as she bent over to kiss you on your cheek.As she walks towards the door she turns around to face you again and she said,"Trust me,please."

It's been a few weeks since you've been going to the Anti-Marleyan volunteers meetings.Their intentions are good but,they're in dire need of a leader.Something which you can provide but,your still a new member.Yelena are the current leader but,it seems she wants someone who can lead her too and inspire them.

Currently,the volunteers are discussing about the Marleyan government's decision to send the first batch of ships to Paradis Island in a few months.Yelena have agreed to lead the operation to make contact with the Eldians on Paradis Island.First they need to force your papers so that you can go along with the operation to Paradis Island.Currently you are still a fugitive and the army are searching for you as you didn't return for military service.This is a really dangerous situation.

No one knows about you and Yelena's relationship.You realize one of the volunteers have been checking you out.It makes you really uncomfortable and the guy even calls you over after the meeting are done.Yelena are busy talking with the volunteers."Are you single?",he asks cocky."What's it to you?"you replied to him irritated."No need to get your panties wet,y/n."He licked his lips with a smirk.It disgust you."Fuck off,"you replied while walking outside to get fresh air.

You stood with your eyes closed to calm yourself down.Someone grabs you and throw you beside the building.The guy stood there with a smirk.He start to choke you as you got up against the wall but,he doesn't clearly know who he's messing with.You always carried a knife,it would be suitable for this situation.

With a burst of strength,you kick him between his legs.He stops choking you to grab his groin.You kick his head with impeccable strength and he fell to your left.Those training in the army paid off.You quickly sit on him and you pull out your knife.Your thirst for blood grew stronger as you saw the expression on his face.It was priceless.

All your rage,sadness and the thought of the scrum in this world were poured into your actions as you are stabbing the guy's chest.The knife struggled to go through the first time but,after that it went smooth.His face and body were seeping with blood.The night only covered parts of the sadistic scenery that's happening.You felt free.

The guy probably saw a lunatic on top of him,you can't believe that is your thoughts as you are dragging his body away.You quickly find a suitable place and hide him.You need to get to a bath fast.You got home luckily without obstacles...or so you thought.As you're undressing to climb into the bath,someone knocks on the bathroom door loudly."Y/n,are you in there?",Yelena frantically ask.

You replied to her as calmly as you can while hiding your bloody clothes."Yes,is something the matter?"You try really hard to not let your voice give you away."I'm glad,I saw you go outside but,I couldn't find you.Can I come in?"You blush."Sure."

Yelena comes in and stops at the sight in front of her.It looks like she wants to ask about your bloody face and ponder how beautiful you look."First off,why is there blood one your face?Are you hurt?"She comes closer and see the marks on your neck."Did someone do something to you?"She bends down and are stroking your neck with her long fingers.From there she caresses your neck with a worried expression."Why don't you tell me what happened ,y/n?",she asks stern but,gently.

Your eyes start to water.You have no idea what she might do if she found out about what happened earlier.So you take a deep breath and told her everything...

I hope my story is good so far,I'm sorry about the events in my story,i can change it if you want it to be changed.

A lemon is coming up later ;-)

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