I can explain

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Chapter 8

Yelena takes you to a separate room,away from Hanji and Levi.In her hands are several papers.She doesn't look you in your eyes.Yelena gives you the papers and immediately you start to read the first page.

"I can explain!Just listen to me please,it is not what it looks like!"You hoped that Yelena would never found out about your past,especially these things.Your knees began shaking with fear and panic.Your hands are trembling."Then convince me that the things on that page,aren't what they seem."Yelena's voice echoes in the barely empty room.You look down again at the police reports."I'm going to start from the beginning then."Yelena helps you to sit down against the wall.The heat from the wall only soothe part of your body.

Yelena sits down beside you."The guard I killed,he wasn't the first person to die by my hands.I was ten,when my mother became friends with a couple.She really enjoyed being friends with them but,I knew who they really are.I overheard their conversations,discussing how they mistreat the people who work for them,when she weren't near them.One night I followed them home and I hide in a closet,waiting for them to sleep.When they were asleep,I light their blanket on fire.The material caught fire fast,they couldn't stop the fire in time to save themselves.I watched them burn,Yelena."A low chuckle comes from your mouth.

"The police suspected me or my mother but,I forgot the matches I used there outside the front window I used to get in.My fucking initials were on it."You give a little laugh again."They didn't question me afterwards.I worried for some time about it but,my mother kept reassuring me I shouldn't worry."You look up at Yelena expecting a horrifying face but,to your surprise,she looked at you with a emotionless face.

"That is the one crime I almost got caught over."Yelena shuffles through the reports."And the five other?It seems they are connected to you as well.No evidence pointing to you though.Were you also responsible?"You nod at Yelena."You're the first person that I told this to but,why are you asking me about this?"Yelena's glimmering eyes got a shade darker."It seems you would take a long time to surpass me."

Yelena stood up and crumbles up the papers.She lights it on fire with her matches and throws it on a empty spot on the ground."Let's not live in the past."She walks out,leaving you in shock.Did she really mean what she said about me not surpassing her?What did she do?It seems you're not the only one hiding secrets...

The dream you had of your reflection came back to you,from out of the blue.Is that what my dream meant?Perhaps....I should show people the real me.You giggle at Yelena's statement.A 'long time'?Let's see about that,I'm going to make you pround n/n!

A new found confidence engulfs you.You walk out of the room with a smile on your face.Yelena know what I did and she didn't judge me!No one can stop me now.You giggle at your thoughts.I have standards,I don't go around killing innocents.Those fools deserved it.

Later that night you walked on the beach,taking in the scenery.The moon shined especially bright tonight.The stars looked like souls searching for their other half.You remember the stories your mother would tell.She said the stars were people who passed away and who are guiding the living.Tears gather at your eyelids but,you quickly wiped it away when you heard footsteps approaching.

"It's your knife isn't it?"You look up at Hanji staring at the moon."What made you think that?"You turn and look at her surprised."I saw you play with it the other day."You start to fidget with your fingers."Everyone of the volunteers have a similar knife.Why would you think it's me?"Hanji turns and look into your eyes.Her eyes glimmers in the moon light."You've been a person of interest to me since I saw you.You were different from the volunteers.You remind me of a boy who are the hero in someone's life and the villain in another's.Be considered of what you choose."

Hanji hands you your knife and walks away.The shock of her words left you standing there.Eventually you sat down,rethinking your life choices.Did I do wrong?Are there even a right or wrong in a choice?Does right or wrong even exist?Is it something made by someone's desire to have control of their life?

I am insane.I felt killing morally wrong people would sooth my unnatural survival instinct.Something went wrong in my life but,where?A kiss on your cheek brings you back to reality."It's okay y/n."Yelena's warm embrace left you falling into a deep sleep,forgetting your problems.

The last thing on your mind as you drifted off to sleep,was a decision.A decision you made with your mind,not your heart.

I'm sorry the chapters are short.I hope my story entertains you :-)

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