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Chapter 12

"Urgh."You roll around in you bed,unable to sleep.You reach for your watch on the bedside table.In the dimly lit room,it appears that it's almost two o'clock in the morning.You catch glimpse of your wedding dress/suit hanging near the dresser across the bed.Nervousness creeps up again as you're constantly reminded that your wedding is in a few hours.

You roll onto you back staring at the ceiling.You've been thinking about your father for the past few months a lot,mostly because he's supposed to be at your special day-not that you are in contact with him,not since the day you left for Paradis.The guilt start to work itself better inside of you,thinking about how you never told him about your mother,you and everything else.It's true that at night demons come out to play,just not the kind you expected.

"Hey!Wake up!"Your eyes are being blinded by the sharp sunlight burning your eyes."Oh come on,the sun aren't even that bright!"Hanji's voice booms through your room as you sit upright.Mikasa soon comes into the room with coffee/tea.Sasha storms in after Mikasa with a apple,giving it to you with the beverage Mikasa brought.

"How does it feel to be marrying today?"Mikasa's question makes you teeny tiny bit uncomfortable but,answer her nonetheless."I really don't know how to describe it but,the best I could describe it is,is that it feels almost unreal."Mikasa nods while taking a sip from her coffee.She sits on the chair nearest to you and look at you thoroughly."Can I do your hair?"You swallow a piece of the apple first then answers her by giving a smile and nod."And I'll help with your clothes!"the statement comes from Sasha.

After a quite a while of all three of them working on you,you finally look in the mirror.You're speechless.Not even you could've done a better job to make yourself look this fucking good."So,what do you think?"Hanji fidget with her fingers,waiting nervously at your answer.You turn around and hug them,to be honest,none of them expected that reaction as you made Sasha tear up.

As you go brush your teeth and choosing a perfume to match with your attire,a knock on the bathroom door surprises you a little bit."Y/n,could you come here."Hanji's tone of voice adds more to your nervousness.Upon opening the door,you stood frozen.Not believing what you're seeing.

A hug envelops you,growing tighter by the second."My god,how I've missed you."Tears stream down your face and your voice braking down as you say the word."Dad?"You father moves away from you,admiring how you look on your wedding day."Please don't cry,I'm here.Please don't worry anymore.I'm so glad that your safe."Your father's words makes the tears steam more down your face,as you realize how much you missed being home."How did you know where I am?"You wipe your tears with a tissue on the dresser near you.You sit down on the dressers stool,waiting for your father's response.

It appears that the others are out of the room,possibly giving you space."A few months ago I got a letter from this peculiar woman,named Yelena,giving me your whereabouts and a brief description of what happened the last few months.I should include,the letter did end up in my house suspiciously.It did include about the engagement and a photo of you and this Yelena.She appears to be a rather straightforward woman.So I did what I felt was right and came looking for you."You secretly find it interesting as your dad don't realise what Yelena probably did to get that letter safely to him,without it being connected back to her."I really appreciate the efforts,dad.I've missed you and mom..."Your dad looks at you with painful eyes."You did nothing wrong,Yelena did inform me about what actually transpired there.Thank you for standing up against that asshole."

A quick knock on the door alerts you when Hanji pokes her head inside of the room."Sorry for interrupting your reunion but,the wedding is starting soon.We'll be outside waiting for you."Your dad stand up from your bed giving you his hand."Come now,this day is your special day.I'm excited to meet Yelena."

The carriage stops near the building were the wedding will be held.For a final time,you quickly make yourself neat.Taking a huge breath,you slowly approach the door,with your dad hooking his arm with yours.As the huge door opens,the smell of all the guests perfumes collectively collided with your nose,making it itch a bit.The decor takes your breath away for a split second as your eyes excitedly dart to Yelena,who's eyeing you with the sweetest look you've ever seen she give to someone.

All the guests stand up as you move toward the altar.With each step that you take,you see for the first how Yelena fully look,unaware of the guests who's all whispering about your attire.Her eyes popping with the black eyeliner and the necklace around her neck,a tie with the white button up shirt and black trousers.Her sleeves rolled up,with enough skin to get you drooling.She knows what to do to get your knees weak.She gives you a small smirk as you stare at her while the pastor is busy preaching.

After the service is done,you enjoy each other's company,taking wedding photographs and catching up with your dad.Well into the joyous celebration,Levi approaches you and Yelena."I don't want to spoil this occasion bit,you'll want to see this."Levi hands Yelena a letter while drinking from his wine.Yelena's expression quickly fades when she hands the letter over to you.Reading the letter,you understood her reaction."What does Eren mean by this?"Levi takes the letter back."He's planning a attack,soon."

Yelena x female reader~Loving my superior~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat