Perfect ✨

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I'm feeling down. An empty kind of down, the kind you feel for no particular reason but it still makes you want to cry. I can't imagine anything remotely satisfying to do, with the sole exception of cuddling my girlfriend, so I go to find her. My girlfriend, Sally, is lying on the couch in the living room of our shared flat, watching a murder mystery on tv. I walk over and lie down flat on top of her.
"I need a cuddle." I whine into her collarbone.
She shuffles a bit to make herself more comfortable and wraps her arms around me.
"Wanna take a nap? I've seen this one before."
I nodd and press myself even closer to her. The feeling of her form soothes the ache in my chest and soon enough we both fall asleep.

I wake up feeling drowsy but content with the world. Sally shifts beneath me, I lift my heavy eyelids to look at her.
"Do you want me to move?"
"Yeah, I'm starting to get hungry so I thought we'd make some food."
"Mhm," I humm into her shirt, "just give me a second."
I sigh deeply once before I get up and off Sally with a grunt. When I regain my balance after almost tripping over the coffee table I help Sally get up as well.
"So, what are we making?" I ask as I stumble after her into the kitchen, clumsily trying to rub the sleep from my eyes.
"I thought we'd warm up the chicken from yesterday and just make some more rise," she says as she gets a cooking pot and rice from the different cupboards, "Then, if you're still in a cuddly mood, I thought we could rent a movie."
I give her a goofy smile and cross the kitchen to wrap my arms around her.
"You really are perfect, did you know that?" I tell her.
"I know." she chuckles
I give her a light kiss on the neck, before I let go to go look for a movie we can watch.

So this is a bit rough, I haven't rewritten it, as I usually do, but I really wanted to get it up today so that's that.

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