Once Upon A Time...

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"Let me tell you a story." I said, smirking at him.

"Once upon a time there was a hero. The hero was the pride of his kingdom and he was very brave, very strong, and very smart."

My smirk widened as I watched the young man struggle against his chains. He had been stripped of his shirt. The chains around his wrists were holding his arms up, making it impossible for him to reach the sword in his belt. I paced the floor within arms reach of him, had his arms not been chained to stretch above his head. He ceased to fight and watched me.

"One day however," I continued, "the hero heard of a villain who was planning to murder the king. He went after the villain to stop him and to catch him. He didn't have to search for very long because the villain hadn't been very discreet in terms of his whereabouts. So, the hero found the villain's hideout without any complications. It was a cave in the mountain, rather close to a small village. What he did not expect was that the villain was observing the hero from a distance. When the hero entered the cave the villain entered soon after, a small knife raised against the hero. The hero heard him and he turned around, his magnificent sword raised, ready for battle."

I picked up my knife and traced the blade lightly with my thumb.

"The villain was a very shabby young man, thin, dirty clothed and not at all frightening. It therefore took a while for our hero to realise that this was the person he was searching for."

I gave an amused chuckle. The boy didn't move but continued to observe my every move.

"The villain challenged the hero to a duel. He said that if the hero managed to draw blood from him then he would willingly let himself be taken away."

I looked up to meet the boy's gaze, I could see the fury burning in his eyes.

"The hero accepted the challenge, of course and they dueled. After a short time the hero managed to get a hit on the villains arm, making the villain bleed and completely ruining his shirt. The hero then demanded that the villain surrender, since he had won the duel. The villain dropped his knife and put his hands forward for the hero to tie together, but when the hero went to do so the villain threw a fistful of dirt in his eyes which blinded the hero. When the hero stumbled the villain proceeded to hit the hero in the head with the handle of his knife which resulted in an unconscious hero on the floor of the cave.

When the hero later woke up he found himself chained in a dark room without the slightest trace of light. Soon enough the door opened and the villain entered. The hero tried to fight but the chains that bound him wouldn't let him reach the villain."

I stopped pacing and turned towards the boy.

"Do you like the story?" I asked him.

He remained silent.

"I asked you a question and you will answer me. How do you like the story?" I said sharply.

He growled threateningly at me but didn't say a word. I let myself relax with a dramatic sigh.

"It hurts that you did not appreciate my story. It's true, you know. The story. And I wrote it. I wrote it before it had even happened."

I cackled, letting a sneer spread over my face, feeling absolute glee when the rage burned brighter in his eyes. I moved closer to him as I continued.

"I made sure you would know where to find me. I made sure to have people inform me when you arrived in the village. I made sure to rent this place for when I had captured you. I predicted every move you made before you made it."

"You cheated! In the duel, you cheated." he growled.

"Ha! I didn't cheat. I lied." I stated, immensely amused by his sudden outburst.

"And what did you expect of a villain. Did you really think that I would keep my word? You heroes are so predictable, with your codes and your honor." I taunted, my voice dripping with contempt.

"It makes you so stupid."

He just glared at me furiously. The chains making it impossible for him to move even a few centimeters. Looking at me with pure hatred, not caring to try to hide it anymore his fingers twitched slightly.

I smiled a devilish smile at him and raised my knife towards his face. He jerked away from it but the chains made it impossible to avoid the blade. I put the tip of the blade on his cheek and he freezed. I moved my lips to his ear and whisper.

"Such a great hero."

Then I slashed the knife over the hero's cheek, leaving a thin gash. I laughed in his ear as he clenched his teeth so not to let any sounds escape him.

"Not painful enough I see." I purred into his ear.

I felt him shiver slightly

"There's no need to be afraid. I won't kill you. I'm going to keep you. You're going to be my toy and I'm going to have lots and lots of fun with you." I said slowly, my lips brushing his ear.

I pulled back to see the fear in his eyes as I raised the knife again. I put the point to his forehead and leaned in to take his ear between my teeth as I made a second cut. The hero remained silent also this time, though he jerked slightly. I continued to bite his neck as I left thin cuts all over his  body. Eventually I got what I wanted, the hero broke down. Tears ran down his cheeks and into the wounds and he screamed. The sound of his pain thrilled me and added to my excitement. I kept leaving kissed and bites over his skin and wounds until his screams faded and mixed with violent sobs. It was the sweetest music to my ears. I laughed, enjoying every ounce of the hero's pain and private humiliation. I eventually left him, bleeding and crying, hanging limp in his chains, to plan for the murder of the king.

Trigger warnings: sexualized torture, knives, blood, biting, non-con kisses, all these elements are non-con

Uhm, yeah. This might turn into a book, if I ever finish it.
I wrote this ages ago and haven't looked through it since I last edited it, so I'm sorry for any faults.
I'd also like to say, for the record, that all of most of the stories I publish will be a lot shorter than this.

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