Come light

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A perfectly normal girl is sitting on her bed. She has her arm raised in front of her, palm facing forwards. Her eyes are alight with hopeful determination as she reaches into hersel. She calls for the light, calls for it to fill her, to stream through her and erupt from her hand in a golden blaze. The light doesn't answer.

She closes her eyes and tries again, tries to call on that steady flow of light and warmth. She can feel it clearly, resting around her spine, waiting to be released. She unblocks a highway for it through her arm. She opens her eyes, expecting to see the bright shine of summoned light, only to be met with just the dull grey of her room.

She takes a deep breath and wills herself to reach deeper, grasping desperately for the light, clawing for that faint trace of power, trying to push it through her arm and palm. But when she opens her eyes there's still nothing.

Heavily, she lies back down, disappointment settling in her bones.

She had so hoped that this would be the time those fantasies would stop being just that. When she would finally be able to fill that aching hole inside of her.

Trigger warnings: no trigger warnings

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