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The door itself was rather plain. A simple, slightly old looking, wooden door with rusty iron fastenings. The wall around it however, was remarkable. The stone was engraved with intricate shapes. Flowers you'd only ever see in the garden of a queen or a sorceress. Beautiful, broken faces that held the weight of all our sins, species extinct for eons. Symbols protecting long forgotten secrets, poems in languages no longer spoken by human tongue.

Yes, the wall was spectacular, but what it hid might just be even more peculiar. If you went through the simple wooden door you would find yourself in a forest. A dark forest, you would be surrounded by spruces and pines.

But if you kept walking, farther into the wood, farther from the wall and the door, the trees would no longer seem as threatening. You would no longer be surrounded by spruces and pines but majestic oaks and birches. The sunlight would filter through the leaves and give the forest an air of magic.

And if you went even farther yet, if you kept on walking, you'd enter a clearing. In the middle of the clearing you'd find a lake with crystal water. If you'd look down, into the lake, you could not tell how deep it was, you wouldn't see the bottom.

Beneath the surface of the cool crystal water, if you dared venture there, you'd find the greatest secret of them all.

Trigger warnings: no trigger warnings

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