My Funny Little Santa Story🍍

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This is a crazy Christmas thing I wrote for English class the other day so it doesn't really have a plotline and it's completely crazy. This is all based on a picture we were given and the title is the name of the assignment. So here we go.

Well, there is this story, and since it's a story it obviously starts with "Once upon a time". So, once upon a time there was a very old man. This man was not only old, he was also very famous. Now, you might be wondering if he was more old or famous and to tell you the truth, I have no idea.

Anyways, this old man had a very long, very white beard, a very original hat, boots the size of a baby dolphin and a magical means of transportation. You guessed it, the very old man in this story is, in fact, Santa Claus.

You all know Santa Claus, right? The dude that comes down the chimney to leave presents once a year. Everyone loves that about him, he's what everyone looks forward to every winter. But no one really thinks about Santa Claus the rest of the year, do they? Except him of course. For someone so generous he really is quite self centered.

Naturally, since he only really works once a year, he would be very bored. Especially during the summer when the rush of christmas eve's work had subsided and the kids hadn't started to write any new letters to him yet.

So,he was very, very bored. And what does Santa Claus do when he's bored? He parties. He organizes enormous parties every weekend and all the elfs are invited, they all feast on gingerbread and chocolates. But what makes the parties so incredibly popular is the music.

Santa always invites a new artist. Through the years the parties have featured The Beatles, Queen, Madonna, Beoncé and Ariana Grande. You might think I'm lying since this has never been revealed by the media, but the truth is that Santa always drugs the performers to make sure they don't remember anything afterwards, and oh, did I mention they were all kidnapped in the first place?

So they party, dance and eat all night long, then they will all come down from their sugar rush which leaves them so exhausted they all fall asleep on the floor.
Then, next weekend, they do it all again. This goes on until late in October when they start getting the first early letters and have to start looking at the good and naughty list. Until sometime in May when it starts all over again.

So, the moral of the story; Santa has been partying and getting sugar high god knows how long and he's still alive and well so a little candy most likely won't kill you either.

Please note that this is about candy and not heavy drugs. Please also note that you should not eat large amounts of candy if you don't also dance for hours like Santa did in the story, it'll raise your cholesterol levels to the sky and from what I know those are not to play with. And kindly take into consideration that I wrote this note on a whim and with very little time when I first wrote it.

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