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The night air is chilly and crisp as I walk the dark city streets, alone with the uneasy feeling of being paranoid and knowing you should be, that you need to be. Every other second I glance over my shoulder and every noise has me on guard. She and her lackeys could be anywhere, hiding, observing from dark corners and narrow alleyways.

My caution isn't enough. A sudden rough push against my shoulder sends me forwards into a stone wall. And before I can comprehend what's happening or even think about defending myself the person behind me wrenches my arm behind my back, tearing a gasp from my mouth and pushing me further into the stone wall.

I pull on my arm roughly to free it from my attacker's grip but whoever they are, they don't let go but keep it locked in an uncomfortable angle over my shoulder blades. The attacker chuckles softly and something that feels alarmingly like the point of  a knife is pressed into my side, just deep enough to be threatening.

I still, and instinctively press myself even further into the wall to put more space between the knife and my skin. I have no such luck, the knife follows my movements closely, but the pressure is a little lighter. I turn my head to the side in hope of getting a glimpse of my attacker. I catch a whirl of dark hair before my senses are overpowered by the overwhelming scent of a nauseatingly sweet perfume with a twang of mint.

The scent gets heavier as my attacker leans in, and a sweet voice whispers in my ear.
"Ready to die, sweetheart?"
Before she pushes the blade into my side.

I gasp in shock at the pain that overtakes my body in a second, shutting down all other senses and leaving the pain the only thing existing in the world. Everything else becomes vague and distant; the second jolt of pain as my knees make contact with the ground, the sickening wave of sweet perfume in the air and the voice that laughs in my ear and whispers.
"She sends her love."
Before the scent draws back and I'm left alone gasping and whimpering and praying for the pain to end.

Trigger warnings: being pushed up against a wall, stabbing, violation of personal space

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