Chapter 12

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Wow I'm back. So much has changed. I've been gone for a lot reasons. The main reason I've stopped writing is I found out my mom has cancer. She's been really sick lately and I've been taking care of her because she doesn't have anyone else to do that for her. I'm worried sick but I've found writing makes me feel a lot better whether I'm good at it or nah. Please give me feedback on how interesting my story is or isn't and vote. Thanks now here is chapter 12 my lovelies.






Goddamnit I sleep way too much. I'm in this never ending cycle where I end up waking up in Harry's bed with his arms wrapped around me like some is gonna steal me or something. It makes me feel frustrated that I'm vulnerable but at the same time I feel safe and comforted by his smell and his hold on me. I just lay my head down and imagine what things would be like if Harry and I were together. I usually never would ever want to go for a bad boy. You know the rebel but everything about him tho. He is just perfect. Like in my eyes he can do no wrong. My immediate reaction and interpretation of him would be player and heartbreaker but Harry wouldn't hurt a fly. Okay that's not true he hurt Hank and yea never mind but he was protecting me. He is just a genuine guy who happen to totally fancy along with probably every other girl to walk past him.

Most of the time I would leave Harry by himself in bed but I feel safe and not mention really warm. I cuddle up next to him closer than before. It doesn't take long for me too pass out again.

»»»»Few hours later»»»




What the hell? I sit up fast because the one thing ththat makes me posses is when I am sleeping good and someone or something interrupts me. Let's keep at I've had to get new phone because I basically murdered them due to my annoyance for its buzzing. I grab my answer it in a not very friendly voice.

"What do you want?"

"Well someone's in a good mood."

The familiar voice makes me ease up.

"Sorry Zayn I just was having a really good dream."

"At 1 o'clock in the afternoon."

I check the time on my phone. Oh shit his right it just turned 1:17.

"Oh shut up Zayn you probably woke up an hour ago."

"True good point. Anyway I was wondering I f you would like to go out for lunch."

"Yea I'd love to but where are you I need time to get ready."

"I'm just downstairs."

"Zayn you called me when you're downstairs?"

I giggle to myself because I'm just happy. Happy that I can laugh at my brother for calling me on his cell in the house.

"Yes I did. Stop judging me you'd do the same. Hurry be ready in 20. Oh and dress casual not all nice and fancy like you usually do."

"I do not."

"You do too. Bye."

He hangs up before I can even say anything else. I look at poo und and remember I'm at Harry's house so I have to wear the extra outfit in my backpack. I walk over grab my bag and go to the bathroom. I turn in t o the mirror and immediately freeze. I feel humiliated. Harry must have seen me like this I have mascara and eyeliner smeared all under my eyes and my hair is in a not attractive messy bun. I think while I stare at my self in the mirror. I think of what Harry had said to me the day before.

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