Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

After the teacher told us her name (which I have already forgotten) and went through attendance I watch Destiny hastily walk out the room. I'm a bit concerned. Did I scare her off? Why was she rushing? Louis said she would just have to study in the Library cause she is almost done with her college required courses. I grab my things and walk out of the room. To my relief she is standing outside the room with her arms tightly wrapped around a bunch of books that are probably a bit too heavy for her. She is so cute just standing there.

"Why are you in such a rush Love?" I say to her.

"Oh I just didn't want to get trampled. Usually everyone is practically running. Ummmmm." She hums lightly as if she is thinking. "Maybe I should give you a tour of the school then we can go to the library to study."

"Sounds great."

She starts walking down the hall to her locker and opens it up to put her stuff in but drops all her books on the floor. They are scattered all around her and she just giggles lighting for a second and squats down to pick it all up.

"The first thing you should know about me is that I'm not clumsy it's just the walls, floors, tables, and basically all of my surroundings are bullies and trip and push me a lot. "

I go to pick up her planner and we both grab it at the same time. We both let go and exchange sorry' s. I see her blush but her hair falls in face as she looks at the floor. I wait a second then pick it up and hand it to her. She mumbles thanks and quickly gathers the rest of her stuff and shoves it in her locker and slams the door close.

"Where should we go first?"

"I have to text Louis and tell him we'll meet him in the library later then we'll just walk around and I'll point all the important stuff out to you."

She takes her phone out of the pocket in her skirt and swiftly moves her graceful fingers across the key board. She pushes the send button then I hear the notification noise and see her click and something. Her smile immediately falls. My heart almost breaks when I see the look on her face. So many emotions are running through her eyes. Anger, sadness, and fear. My heart finishes breaking when I see a single tear run down her face. She wipes it off quickly and before I can ask what's wrong she runs in a full on sprint down the hall.

Destiny' s P.O.V

That bitch. What did I ever do to her? It's not my fault Joey thought she was an ass. For that matter I wish Joey had stayed with her because he is a bitch too. She had no right to send that text out. I'm sprinting down the hall when I see the janitors closet. I go inside close the door and lock it. I haven't even watched the video and I'm breaking down. I haven't reacted to something Becca has done like this since she leaked a picture of a extremely damaged me. I turn up the volume just as I hear a pound on the door and a concerned voice.

"Destiny what's wrong?"

I don't respond and go to press the play button when I hear the same voice but now it's pleading and begging for me to open up the door. By now I'm sobbing because no one knows, but Becca is the only one who can really hurt me emotionally.

"Destiny please let me in so I can help you. I don't know what's wrong but maybe just maybe I can help and you just don't know it."

I press the play button ignoring the pleads outside. On the screen is a bedroom that I recognize all too well. It just so happens to be Meagan's room. After the incident I hated her room even though she was my best friend. A few seconds pass before the lights are flicked on. A very drunk guy and girl walk into the room and fall onto the bed bouncing the bed slightly from the impact. They start to passionately kiss only pausing briefly for them to take off their clothes. The obvious happens next they fuck each other. If only it could be a random couple of idiot teens. But it wasn't it was me and the new American kid Dylan. The video was taken over the summer before school had started.


I run up the stairs with the bag in hand. Joey' s parents had just let me into the house saying that he was up in his room. When I finally get to the top of the stairs I take a right and walk slowly down the hall just remembering the year we had spent together. I lightly knock on his door and walk in because his parents told me he was napping. Evidently he wasn't. If its possible my heart broke. At what was in front of me. Joey was on top of Chole making out with her. I immediately drop the bag that I had which was a one year anniversary present for him. The thud of the of the bag makes Joey and Chole stop and look at me.

Joey starts to explain but I just run as the tears fall. I run out the front door and slam it close. I jump into my car and drive as fast as I can home. I run once more into my room and stay there sobbing. I get a ton of text from Joey but I don't respond to any of them. Finally get a text from someone other than Joey. It was Louis telling me to get ready a party and he would see me in a bit. I think about it and realize I needed. To get back at Joey so I got ready in clothes that I stopped wearing when we got together like crop tops and things that made me look single. I even took off the heart ring he had gotten me for my birthday.

Louis took me to the party not noticing that I was acting different. We went our separate ways when we got to there and I headed straight towards the table with all the beer. I drank one after another of all kinds of different beers. I was really drunk and had so many emotions. I talked to Dylan and he was drunk too. We flirted in a trunk way then walked upstairs to Meagan' s room. We made out how I usually made out with Joey then in lost the most precious thing a girl has. Her virginity. I threw in the garbage like every other girl. The thing I swore I wouldn't lose and I did anyway.

~End of Flashback~

I hear a click and I feel someone lightly shaking me out of my trance. I have stopped crying finally. I look up and see Harry kneeling down next to me. I look into his eyes and wrap my arms around him. He hesitates at first then tightly wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for a long time till he picks me up and sits down and places me in his lap never breaking the hug.

"What happened?"

He softly whispers in my ear. I just sob and say Becca. My voice is muffled because I have my face in his chest. We stay like this for even longer. My cry slows down and finally stops his smell calms me down. He has a soothing woodsy smell and a hint of vanilla and detergent. I lift my head from his chest and tell him everything that happened. He nodded and said ok and listened intently to my story. We must have sat there in the small janitors closet for a half hour. When i finally finished he looked like he was deep in thought. Then he suggested what sounded like heaven to me at the moment.

"Why don't we call the rest of the day off sick go to your place wear comfy clothes and watch movies."

I nodded slightly. He helped me up and held my hand as we walked into the front office. They let us out and told us they hoped we felt better. We drove my car to my house and I tested Louis i had to go home. I went into my room and changed into sweats and a big hoodie since it was cold. When i got downstairs Harry was wearing the same white shirt and beanie but now was wearing a pair sweats. We didn't talk much just the occasional thanks or where is this while we made popcorn. When we were done making the popcorn I grabbed two spoons and a whole tub of ice cream. We sat and watched movie after movie eating ice cream and popcorn. When it was almost midnight I drifted asleep with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. I could have stayed that way forever. Who would have known that we had only met that day. The last thing I remember is the smell of wood, vanilla, and detergent. Nothing has ever smelled so good to me before.

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