Chapter 2

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He is gorgeous. He has piercing emerald eyes, bright smile, dimples, and curly brown hair peeking out from under his grey beanie. He is quite tall tall and has tattoos down his right arm. Then he has visible tattoos under his white shirt. I snap out of my trance when I hear Louis greeting the boy and giving him a hug. I'll have to remember his name is Harry because that's what Louis said. Wierdly Louis and Harry were talking like they've known each other forever. Louis even greets the 2 other boys Harry was with. Their names were Niall and Liam according to Louis. While I'm carefully observing the 3 boys Louis decides to pull me over to talk to them.

Louis introduces me to them and I shake they're hands. I'm so surprised by the tingle in my hand when I shake Harry's hand but I push the feeling down like I do with almost all of my feelings. Well the boy Niall has beautiful blue eyes and has blonde hair with bits of brunette hair at the sides and on the tips of his hair which is in a quiff. Then Liam has brown hair in a buzz cut and and brown eyes. They all have tattoos and really rough appearances which is why I'm so surprised that they were so gentle and nice.

Harry's P.O.V

Niall, Liam, and I were the first ones in the class so we just sat in the back and talked about football while waiting for Louis and some girl he said whose name is Destiny Spencer. He said he should be around her a lot. Apparently she's his "best friend". I don't believe him but the boys do. Right now I'm in a pisted off mood. I guess I'm just not used to waking up at 6 am. Even my coffee wasn't helping and I had 3 cups. Right when Louis walked in I felt like I had 100 cups of coffee. I couldn't help but smile was and just be happy in general. It's just out of habit. When Louis is around he just makes you want to smile. But when I saw the beauty walk in next to him which I assumed was Destiny Spencer I felt like I had 1000 cups coffee.

Louis had told me about her like the fact that she is done all of her required college like math, english, history, and all that other shit stuff now one cares about. So she's really smart. He also told me she is a trouble maker. She is wild, carefree, and fun person. She isn't shy which I don't know if that's a good thing or not. She doesn't follow the rules and is a singer, photographer, runner, and is an amazing artist . Sadly Louis ceased to help me to prepare me for the the blow I was about to encounter. She is a work of art herself. She doesn't need to know how to draw.

She has loose brown curls and has big brown eyes behind a pair of adorable nerd glasses. She is wearing a white v-neck, blue skirt pulled above her waist. She has blue folded bandana holding her curls back and is wearing light brown combat boots. But the prettiest thing about her is her smile. It is bright and glowing. She isn't your typical magazine cover girl she is a natural beauty. She stood their which went against what Louis said about her being shy. I could feel her eyes on me as I greeted Louis.

She finally came over and shook our hands and Louis introduces her to us. Surprisingly I feel a tingle when I shake her hand. It takes me a second but then I realize that the feeling can't be real so I push it down but not far enough where I don't stop thinking about how beautiful she is throughout my conversation with Louis. She sits down and I look at her the whole time I'm talking with Lou till she turns around and catches me staring. I blush and so does she when we come in eye contact.

All I was thinking about was how cute was when she blushed that I didn't even realize that she had turned around and that lou had asked me a question. Lou snapped in my face and I fell out of my trance realizing that class was about to start and Louis had asked me what classes I had next? I was about to respond but the teacher announced that she wanted us to stand by the wall with all our stuff and she was going to give us assigned seats. I grabbed my stuff and stood by the wall as we were instructed to. The teacher on through half the class when she put me in the seat in the far back then she said that Destiny would sit in front of me. Then she added that Destiny was to show me around school. That was were the words I had been waiting for. Before I had wanted Louis to show me around but Destiny blew lou out of the water. She turned around and just smiled and said meet me out in the hall after homeroom.

From that moment on I knew I was going to love it here.

Destiny' s P.O.V

I take my seat after I'm done saying hi to the boys and let them continue their conversation. Ok just sit there smiling like an idiot thinking about how amazing and sweet the boys were especially Harry. I felt someone staring at me from behind so I turn around just to come in eye contact with Harry. I blush and turn around with the image of him blushing, smiling, and his dimples imprinted in my mind.

Then the teacher tells us to get up and stand by the wall with all of our stuff. I grab my things and stand next to Louis by the wall waiting for her to call my name so I can seat in my assigned seat. Louis is by the window and Harry is called to be in the back then the teacher calls my name. She wants me to seat in front of him. I'm just grateful that I don't have to sit in front or next to him because I would never pay attention.

Then she says the unthinkable. She wants me to show him around the school. I decide to play cool and not act weird because I'm Destiny Spencer calm, smooth, carefree, and troublemaker. I turn around smile and say in a surprisingly smooth and calm voice meet me out in the hall then turn around. Then I realize I'm going to have the best senior year ever. I'm not going to let anything get in my way from enjoying myself. I usually always let loose but is the year where I let it all out and pull all the crazy stunts and adrenaline rush type things that I've been waiting to do.

Sorry if there are any mistakes whether they are grammatical, I'm using past tense something stupid like that. Hope you enjoy it I'll update as much as I can but I have a bit of a crazy schedule so when I update it might be at a weird abnormal time. Love all ya bye bye all my baes.

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