Chapter 10

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Hey baes I'm back. I've had a weird and drama filled day. Starting with my gay friend thinks he's bi but also thinks he likes me but originally he had a major crush on my now boyfriend. Speaking of my boyfriend, his friends on the football team think that I'm girly and badass which makes me sexy. In result of the guy who told me that and his girlfriend over hearing apparently he's cheating on her with me and I'm cheating on my boyfriend. It's a bunch of shit and now I'm stuck in the web of drama that I try to avoid. Well I spilled my guts here's chapter 10. YAY!!! Well that was a bit too excited and enthusiastic. Whatevs






Harry's P.O.V

Damnit I have a pounding headache. Last night was awesome and I had fun but the hangover always hurts like a bitch. I feel oddly comfortable and smell the familiar caramel smell. Last time I was in this situation Destiny left now she is snuggled into my chest. I know her hangover will be worse because she drank way more than me. She was giggling and mumbling random shit after her 3 drinks. Louis was right as always she gets drunk fast. Since she just got out of the hospital I'll stay. I know I'm lying to myself. She's headstrong she doesn't need me I need her. Well that was cheesy but she makes me feel different. To say the least I'm a player. I always have been. It's terrible. I have a bad history. I used to do drugs but I stopped and where I used to live I was the school heart breaker. That's what I meant when I was talking to her Dad.

If I was her dad I would never want Destiny to date anyone like me. I push all the bad thoughts back in my mind and think about the fact that she is in my arms right now. I lay there with Destiny for at least a hour before I decide I have to get up. I gently pull my arm from under her head and head downstairs. I know all the tricks for hangovers so I make peppermint tea and grab the box of saltine crackers and bring them up to Destiny. When I walk up she's already up.

"Ahhh you left me?"

"Well Good Morning to you."

"Damn how much did I drink last night? My head is pounding."

"You were drunk after like 3 drinks let's just keep it at that. Here drink this it will help."

"Thanks so much. I just was wondering how did we end up like this again."

She pointed to the bed sipping her tea.

"I really don't know to be honest."

"Whatever who cares."

"Well take you're time and then get ready we're going somewhere all of us. The boys, your brother, Lexi and Meagan plus us."

"Ok well then."

We sit there for an hour just talking while she eats. Finally when she's done she goes and takes a shower. Right now I'm in the process of waking everybody up. Which is really hard since all of them are completely wasted even Louis. All of us have major hangovers but with a shit load of coffee, tea and saltiness crackers everyone should be good.

Destiny's P.O.V

For some reason I woke up in my bed but with Harry. I hope nothing happened. I don't know how it's even possible but I'm falling for him so fast. I've always been thought of as the hot single badass. I've been in tons of relastionships but none of them lasted that long. I'm not a slut. After Hank, Dylan, and Joey I gave up guys. I just have this feeling that Harry's different.

I'm taking my usual burning hot shower and just thinking of what will be doing today. He said we're all going. I get out of the shower and dry off wrapping myself in my towel. I'm walking out of my bathroom and immediately fall on my ass.

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