Chapter 12

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I tailed Penelope out the school gates. Before she could even open the door of her car I quickly pushed my hands over the door.

"We need to talk."


"About the paper."

She looked at me with amusement in her eyes. The corners of her lips struggling not to smile.

She has always infuriated me. It took every single strand of my patience to stay still when her hand stroked the side of my cheek.

"You know I don't like talking. All the more when that person would be you. This is the only favor you'll get from me. Remember this well, Diana."

I shut my eyes tightly. I couldn't bear to answer. So I nodded.

Patience. Patience. Patience.

She opened the car and gestured me to get in.

I sat at the back. A tiny sense of victory showered me when she sat on the driver's seat.

"You look like my driver." I accidentally blurted out loud. My eyes widened. She snap her attention to me and I covered my mouth in defense.

"Slip of the tongue. My bad."

Her sharp eyes glared at me so I coughed awkwardly to ease the tention.

"... so the paper?" I brought up again in the middle of the drive.

"Mom... I mean your Mom really did something outrageous."


"She borrowed money. I have the paper because she borrowed from us." She started explaining.

"I don't think that she'll pay for it." Penelope added.

"Well she doesn't have to pay for it." She clarified.

"What?" I asked but she stayed silent.

"I said I don't like talking." I sighed. Then her attitude returns.

I laid my head back into the seat. I stared out the window. Penelope was dead set on driving. She stopped talking so I stopped asking.

Where are we even going?

The drive was pretty long. Long enough that I was yawning.

What in the world is up with Mom?

Why would she even borrow that much money?

Why did she leave?

Why didn't she take me with her?

I was dozing off. The exhaustion finally started kicking in.

"Better than talk. Let me just show you." Penelope muttered but it was enough for me to hear.

I didn't proofread so feel free to point out errors.

Thank you for reading.

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