Chapter 13

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I felt a light tap on my cheek. I jolted up in surprise and quickly wiped the side of my mouth out of reflex.

I blinked confused at where we were. The car was parked in an area I was unfamiliar of.

I find my eyes staring at Penelope trying to find answer to where we were. Her usually irritated face seemed calm. To the point that she was scaring me.


She threw me a glance and sighed. We stayed silence for a few more awkward seconds before I cleared my throat.

I whisper, "Where exactly are we?"

"Outside my house." She whispers back.


What the hell am I doing here? My hand felt clammy and the anxiety was killing me.

"Listen carefully," she says. "She's there."

"My Mom is there? But--"

She nodded her head. "She lives there too." She said it slowly while watching my reaction.

I turn to face her. The realization dawned on me.

"She's there." I pointed outside the car window.

Penelope nodded.

"She lives there too." I clarified in which Penelope nodded.

I put my fingers over my lips in confusion.

"Ridiculous." I blurted out. "She wanted to leave this place. She looked like she wanted to run away. Then you tell me she's just here? A short drive away from school?!"

Penelope nonchalantly nodded, "Pretty much."

Penelope opened the car's door and went out. I quickly opened mine and went out too.

"I have a clown for a family. Feel free to come inside." She muttered.

I followed her closely. The big gates opened making me flinch. The house was screamed of luxury in every corner. I was even more surprised when a maid welcome us inside.

"Filthy rich." I mutter incoherently.

Penelope chuckled.

"Why thank you. That's the only redeeming quality you'll see here." She said without humour.

I immediately saw a familiar face in the living room. She was dressed in a sophisticated way that I could mistake her for someone else.

We freeze and our eyes met- an avalanche of anger, betrayal, and confusion exploded within me. I couldn't bear it.

"Hurry." Penelope say, it unfreezes me.

"Before my Dad gets home finish your talk." She added before swiftly leaving the livingroom.

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