Chapter 7

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I expected questions but all Claude did was sadly pat my head and grab our trash. I grinned at him because he looked like he ate something sour.

"Class is about to start tomorrow. Our little adventure will come to an end." I muttered while his back was facing me. Still not finished picking everything up.

"What are you even talking about? You said that the school is small that we might even end up being classmates."

"I don't want you to be my classmate."

"What?" He turned back to look at me with curiousity. "I didn't hear you. What did you say?" I shrugged and started to walk pass him.

"Nothing." I took small steps. It was awfully quiet on the way home but it was fine. Claude didn't ask anything more and it made me feel better.

The moment I opened the front door I could already hear the faint sound of something breaking. When I closed the door I jolted up in surprise when I heard something break again.

With heavy steps I went to the kitchen. The lights were dim and Dad was sitting all drowsily in his chair. I looked at my feet and kicked the broken pieces of bottle away. His attention snapped back at me.

"She left." Dad said weakly but it was enough for me to hear. His voice was cracked and raspy maybe from all the drinking.

I was just as upset as he was. I noticed that we faced her absence differently. I go out and do useless things and act normal while he stays cooped up in our home breaking bottles.

"Have you eaten? Do you want anything? I'll make it for you, Dad. Just tell me." I said gently. He shook his head and grabbed his glass again to pour another shot.

I sighed at what he did. I nodded  and crouched down to pick up the broken pieces carefully.

"She left." He repeated again. This time his tone was different. Much more firm and sure.

"Yes she did." I whisper out. I contiue to pick up glass but what he said afterward made me freeze.

I bit back my tongue to stop myself from saying anything harsh but he was pushing my buttons.

"It was because of you." He spat out bitterly. "It was your fault." He said knowingly like it answered something in his head. He nodded and downed another shot.

I stood up and tightly gripped my hands in anger. His eyes was bloodshot as he stared back at me.

This selfish man just had to say it.

"Me?!" I shouted in controlled anger. I walked towards him and slammed the table with my fists. "How could you even say that? Just look at yourself! You are miserable, worthless and so full of yourself! Mom left because she had enough of you." I shouted at his face.

"If anyone has the right to be angry it should be me!" I pointed at myself in frustration. My voice cracked and I didn't even notice the tears roll down my cheek. "It should be me! Do you understand?!"

His face held an angry expression and was taken aback. I scoffed at him before he could say anything more.

Today was hell and I could only hope that school would be less miserable than this. I laughed at the wishfull thinking.

"How can that be when another spaun of evil will be there to greet me tomorrow." I mutter miserably to myself.

My palm felt a sting. I immediately saw blood from my clenched fists. The broken shards of glass was emebedded from earlier and instead of doing anything about it I just slowly crawled back to my bed. I close my eyes hoping that when I wake up I would feel less of anything that I have on my plate right now.

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