Chapter 15

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My steps were heavy. I felt my heart up my throat. My hands trembled as I turned the knob of the front door. I turned my back once to get one last glance at my mother. At that moment, I was struck with the suddeness of it. Having finally grown into the pitiful person that I am now. My mom's figure was painfully frail.

She sank into the arms of another man while her husband is at home, waiting to share hell with me because of her. I brushed a stray tear and went out.

The sudden gust of cold night air made me shiver. Penelope was calmly leaning on the door of her car. Her usually bitchy face was not present. She eyed me calmly. Silently opened the door of her car and I went in to follow.

The drive was slow unlike earlier. The sky was now dark. I would hear Penelope click her tongue from time to time. I would feel her glance at me.

"What?" I sighed.

"Just checkin if you liked my family." She laughed awkwardly and it made me shook my head.

I was silent after the question but she was still pushing it.

"So... your Mom." She started. "She's kinda my Mom now too."

"Nope. Just yours. Keep her."

"It's not really a nice price." She laughed dryly. "She ruined your family as she ruined mine."


"Just because my real Mom is six feet under doesn't mean I want yours."

"You should say that at her not me. Maybe your sharp tongue would bring some sense to her head." I said out of spite. My tone was laced with hate.

"Harsh!" She muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "You know for someone really mean, this is the nicest thing you've done for me."

She grimaced at my words.

"Good god that's disgusting. I just threw some crumpled paper and drove you. Drop it."

"That paper..." I trailed off.

"No worries. It was just your Mom splurging on shopping. She doesn't have to pay for it." Penelope said as she took a short turn. "His money, Her money. No difference at all."

No difference at all.

My eyes widened at afamiliar figure that was at my doorstep. Claude was on the door.

"Stop the car!" I yelled. Penelope abruptly stepped on the breaks.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed.

"Nothing. This is my stop. Thank you."

"Drive away." I said quickly and Penelope rolled her eyes.

I open the car quickly and marched towards Claude.

My hands immediately grabbed his when he was just about to knock on the door.

"W-hat are you doing here?" I asked flabbergasted.

Claude eyed me confusely.

"What are you doing up late? You went home early. I couldn't find you." My nails instinctively dug into my palms.

He looked over my shoulder. Penelope's car was just about to drive away.

"Went out with a... friend. So what's up?"

"I wanted to invite you to dinner." Claude smiled.

"Dinner sounds nice." I wanted to change my clothes but when I heard a loud thud I changed my mind otherwise.

"Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and wanted to just to get away.

He chuckled at my antics but let himself get dragged anyway.

How was it? Thank you for reading!

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