Chapter 5

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There was no business trip. The ticket was her one way escape. I stood dumbfounded inside their room. No single piece of her clothing was left. My Dad kept on asking me if Mom told me anything. His caloused fingers would painfuly dig into my arm and shake me like it would give him answers. I didn't have the answers.

I was stuck in a daze. She left us. I realized that she left me. I was waiting for the disappointment to crawl or the pang of pain out of abandonment but there was nothing. I tapped my chest where my heart was and there it goes again, nothing.

I went out of their room and heard something break downstairs. I sighed and went down. The sight of my Dad holding liquor in his hand didn't surprise me. With a deep breath I tried to walk past him and get out of the house.

I felt light which is weird. Mom suddenly entered my mind and I shook my head at the thought of her. I started walking away without any destination in mind. My feet brought me at the park again.

The sky was getting dark and I remembered Claude coming out of the bushes. I smiled and remembered how he was covered in leaves.

I wanted to laugh because he was the only one I could run to. He doesn't even know. I decided to walk past the park and just head into a convenience store up ahead.

I grabbed a handful of food from the aisle. I tried to balance everything in my arm and I decided to give Claude a call.

I was strugglong to walk and I jolted up in surprise when Claude answered on the first ring.

"Diana," I heard him say in a raspy tone.

"Were you asleep? I'm sorry. I'll put the call down." I exclaimed but he chuckled at what I just said.

"No. Where are you?" He said cheerfuly.  I can almost see him wearing a smile.

"At the convenience store." I grinned and looked at what I'm about to buy. "Pick me up? Let's eat and go for a walk."

I heard him rummaging over something. "On my way." He muttered quickly.

"You want me to get you something?"

"A cold drink. That would be nice." He said and I smiled.

"A cold drink then." I turned around to go find a cold drink. I didn't know what he liked so I took something that I would drink.

"Chocolate ones are the best." I muttered to myself while I struggled to take two of the drinks.

I didn't notice someone was behind me and he grabbed what I was about to take. I was surprised when he took some of the snacks in my arms along with the drinks.

I stood there confused that I ended up staring balnkly at his face.

The guy awkwardly scratched the back of his head and looked away. He coughed slightly and stepped back.

"My snack." I pointed.

"Let me help you." He smiled and walked toward the register. I slowly follow him behind.

"Thanks." I muttered.

The cashier quickly placed what I bought inside a plastic bag. I took out my phone when I felt it vibrate.

I went out of the store and I slid out my phone to check when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. The guy inside was smiling. I awkwardly smiled too.


"I didn't get your name." He said in a friendly tone. I shouldn't even answer but he looked familiar.

"It's Diana. You are?"

"Felix." He answered. "Nice meeting you but have we met before?" I tilted my head and looked at him from head to toe.

"Maybe." I muttered while thinking hard where I saw him.

He laughed and I awkwardly laughed too. "I'll go on ahead." He said and I nodded as he went on his way. 

I opened my phone and read Claude's message.

Almost there.

I looked around and saw him coming closer.

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