Chapter 9

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I could hear her giggle before she opened the bathroom door. A crowd of girls then walked in but the moment they saw me their chatter dies down. Stares, a lot of vacant stares that are almost dead were directed at me.  

It was hard to swallow what just happened but I tried to gather myself before I go back to the classroom. My steps were small and I feel all icky from the mess earlier. I clenched my fist as I stare down at my messy shirt.

What did she mean by that? Why does my Mom suddenly come into the conversation. What don't I already know? I was caught up with my thoughts as I entered the classroom. Everyone was already huddled up with their friends and sprawled their bags in their chosen desks. I was left checking for any vacant seat and to my luck it was an the end of the room.

I walked slowly and sighed as I sat down. I clenched my drench shirt in my hand since it was cold against my skin. If only I could wring out the water to make myself feel a little bit warm.

I was glad when the bell started and our teacher entered with his usual stern look. His rimmed glasses almost fell off when he entered making the class laugh. I tried to smile and be part of the small joke but it felt forced and disgusting so I dropped it.

"Good morning, students. I'm happy to see that all of you are well." He said in a monotone voice. He fixed his glasses and grabbed his attendance sheet.

I was waiting for him to introduce a new student but nothing. I tried to peek at the door but no sign of Claude. I sighed in relief. I could just imagine the horror when he sees me right now. I was glad that he won't be in the same class as me.

In the middle of class I saw Penelope look over her shoulder. Her eyes restless until they landed on mine. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

What now.

"Later." Her thin lips mouthed and before I could even say anything back she immediately faced the front.

"What?" I replied loudly. I couldn't handle any more of her. I wanted to know a lot of things and it irks me that I have to suck up to her for little answers.

"What is it?" Our teacher turned to me. I quickly shook my head in fear.

"Nothing. It was nothing." I replied quickly.

The audacity right now. She wouldn't even turn her attention to me. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I kept on tapping the desk with my pen and tried to burn the back of head with my stare.

That's why the moment the bell rang I quickly got up of my seat and went to Penelope. She was smiling at me. It sent a wave of worry to my system. She stood up and graced the hallway with her presence. People knew better than to get in her way that's why people voluntarily parted as she walked. I silently followed her steps.

"You know that I don't like you." She said the moment that she stopped walking. Her heals impatienly tapping the tiled floor. Her eyes void of nothing but disgust.

"Fair enough. I don't like you too." I replied. She took something out of her pocket. A thick folded paper. I eyed it with confusion.

She looked at me and she flat out threw it straight at my face. I winced at the slight pain. I held the bridge of my nose and looked at her in annoyance.

"I don't like you so you should be thankful I'm gracing you with that." She icily muttered and kicked the scattered paper towards me.

"Ouch." I whispered still holding my nose.

I don't understand how mean people walk uninvited in my life and I have to deal with it. I don't think that I've been good but I don't believe that I'm that horrible to deserve all this.

I don't even want to argue. I silently picked up the papers she threw hastily at my face.

The moment I saw what the papers were for my mouth just dropped open.

What more do I have to stomach. What more do I need to do.

How are you dear readers? I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you spot any errors don't hesitate to comment. My eyesight is not really good and I usually mistype words. If you liked this chapter please give it a star. It would really make me smile. Have a nice day!

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