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A beautiful girl with golden hair was staring blankly at the cars passing by. She sat sullenly at the curb on the road. The icedrop she said she would eat as an excuse to get out of the house started dripping on her hand. Her bright eyes had no sign of light in them.

"What a shame." She whispered as she watch it slowly melt. She threw it at the side and wiped her hand at the hem of her shirt.

The sky started to get dark and she was in awe at how the stars slowly lit up the sky. As she slowly walked home she saw a truck park at the side of their house. A number of movers were carrying boxes.

She wondered if the house next to theirs would finally be occupied. Her frown immediately crept up. She was already ashamed at what her parents arguments would make the neighbors feel.

"How unlucky." She whispered again at the sight. Her steps felt heavy. The weight of the universe was crushing her.

Her hand held the knob on their door but she contemplated whether to open it. Screams and something breaking urged her to step back. She sighed and turned her back away from the house.

She absentmindedly started to walk away. Without her even knowing her feet took her to one of the playgrounds she usually hides in whenever she can't go home.

The rusty old swing made a really uncomfortable sound when she sat down. She sighed because she really wanted to lay down her bed but she can't.

Minutes of sitting idly she heard something from behind. She looked over her shoulder and saw a guy coming out of the bushes. He looked snobbed but when their eyes met he gave her a smile.

How peculiar, she thought. The guy started to brush off the leaves on his self but he was failing miserably. When he finally gave up he comfortably sat on the other swing. It made another uncomfotable noise.

"This is gonna break." He muttered and laughed. She looked at him and sighed again.

"You sound problematic." The guy with blue eyes pointed out. On normal days she would just ignore comments like that but she wondered what made her open her mouth.

"I am problematic." She said and tried to give the stranger the same smile bit failed terribly.

The guy made a face at her smile and laughed. "Don't do that." He said.

She frowned at the comment. "Why?"

"The weird smile. Don't force it."

"Okay then." The guy nodded at what the girl said and stood up to face her. She looked up at him in confusion.

"My name is Claude." He said again with a smile. "We just moved here." He added and it made her eyes wide.

"I saw a truck earlier near my place." I suddenly blurted out. He smiled more and held put his hand. I stared at it and it got me confused.

"You are?"

"I'm Diana." I said slowly. He extended his hand more so I sighed and took it.

"It's getting late. Let's go home?" He gently pulled me up and I nodded.

"Let's go home."

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