「- 12 -」

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I pull out my phone and see Kirishima's text. I stand up and look at Kaminari. I open my mouth to tell him but,

Kaminari: "It's okay. I get it. Go be with him."

Shinso: "Thanks Kaminari..."

I walk over to be next to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Shinso: "I'm sure someone out there will love you."

I could see him well up with tears. He smiled and just responded,

Kaminari: "Yeah, yeah, enough with the sappy stuff. Just go!"

He pushed me out of the karaoke room and shut the door. I wanted to apologize but, he already made up his mind. And my heart was already made up too.

As I shoved Shinso out I closed the door. I kept my ear pressed against it, and finally heard him run off. I leaned on the door and slid down. I'm happy.....that he gets to be with the one he loves....

I have to admit though....it hurts. Thankfully....I already have an appointment. As I cough I look at the petals in my hand. It looks white but not quite. Ivory maybe? Heh, gracefulness and thoughtfulness. Shinso is like that though.....I always tried to think of him first. He did his best to help me as a friend, and I'm grateful for that.

Shinso: "I just read your text *pant pant* where's Izuku?"

Kirishima: "I took him home.....I asked what happened and he simply told me, 'I deserve to die, for being so selfish.' I'm worried about him so I texted you."

Shinso: "Alright thanks. I'm going then!"

Kirishima: "Let me drive you. You ended up running to my place right?"

Shinso: "I'd appreciate it."

As we drove to Izuku's place it finally made sense. Izuku got nervous talking to me, he didn't know how to explain his feelings since he rejected me. I just hope, he can hang in there.

As we arrive I take my seatbelt off and rush out of the car.

Kirishima: "You could've at least waited for me to park!"

Shinso: "No time!"

As I run to his house I notice that someone else is already there. That's....Chisaki? I stop running and slowly approached. That's when Izuku opened the door. Shinso watched from a far. He couldn't quite hear what they were saying but Izuku suddenly hugged Chisaki. Shinso felt conflicted on what to do....

I heard the doorbell ring and rushed down stairs. I opened the door and saw Chisaki.

Chisaki: "I'm surprised you texted me, I thought you and that—"

I lunged myself and hugged Chisaki.

Izuku: "He gave up....because I told him too. He's trying to move on.....and who am I....to get in his way. After breaking his heart."

I could feel Chisaki slowly hug me back.

Chisaki: "You should've told him anyway. If he decided that he didn't want to pursue then you can think that. For all you know, he's just putting an act on."

Shinso: "I was...."

I looked to the side and saw Shinso standing behind Chisaki.

Izuku: "Shinso....?"

The Love I Can't Have 「- Completed -」Where stories live. Discover now