「- 13 -」

482 13 4

3rd person
Izuku: "Shinso....?"

Shinso scratched his neck, nervous that he has to spill his feelings out once again.

Shinso: "I was....just putting up an act. I wanted to move on because that's what you wanted Izu but.....if you don't want me to I—"

Izuku let go of Chisaki and ran to Shinso. Wrapping his arms around him.

Izuku: "I—I love you Shinso! I noticed that I had feelings for you when I was on that date, and I didn't know how to tell you. Then I saw you with Kaminari and—"

Shinso cupped Izuku's face and made him look into his eyes.

Shinso: "Izuku! Calm down..."

Izuku could feel his face blush and widened his eyes.

Shinso: "I love you too. Did you know you look really cute right now."

Izuku could feel his face heat up even more.

Izuku: "I-I-I guess I do....to you at least.."

Shinso: "That's all that matters now."

Before Izuku could say another word Shinso leaned in and kissed him. Izuku could feel the world change. His heart wanted to jump out of his chest.

He closed his eyes and slowly began to wrap his arms around Shinso's neck.

Chisaki: "Guess Im not needed anymore..."

Chisaki gave a chuckle and walked off.

As the two separated from their kiss they looked into each other's eyes. It didn't feel like it was real to them.

Kirishima: "At least save your make out session for inside guys! You really want to show everyone!"

Izuku immediately blushed. How could he do such a bold thing in public. Shinso took noticed and smirked.

Shinso: "You know, I wouldn't mind going all the way out here. Just to prove that you are now mine."

Izuku practically turned red at his words.


Izuku smacked Shinso's arm and Shinso simply laughed it off. He was just happy that now....Izuku loved him. He will cherish him for as long as they are together.

- The End -

The Love I Can't Have 「- Completed -」Where stories live. Discover now